Everything is THANK YOU!


Everything is Thank You!



Firstly, you must sing the title of this post like the song ‘Everything is Awesome’ from The Lego Movie…I’ll wait.


Next. I know, I know, I know! It’s been way. too. long. Feel free to cuss me out or ask with an actual guffaw on your face: “You’ve been gone? Wow, really? I hadn’t noticed.” Either way, fortunately or unfortunately, I simply had to take a sabbatical from this here LOVE party because, well… because. I had some really good reasons and most of them are tucked safely in the annals of 2014. Thank Gawd. The best news is that 2015 is gorgeously present and I’m so excited to get it popping, you have no idea. Woop!


So what about you? Have you resigned yourself to any New Year’s resolutions yet? I haven’t. Well…except one. I have resolutely resolved to kick New Year’s resolutions to the curb and never ever, ever make them again. Why, you ask? Welp, mostly because the’re played out like– think of the most played out thing you can think of. And you and I both know that most of the resolutions that we make end up in the File 13 section of our brains before we can say “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Better luck next year. Am I right?


I am, however, a firm believer that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and over and expecting a different result, yes? So this year, I’m going to put a moratorium on my list-making of all the things I want the new year to bring me like Santa. (You see, I’ve already done that for my personal New Year called my birthday.) So instead, I’m spending this first month of this new year practicing a simple prayer of infinite gratitude. This prayer is called Thank You, and it goes a little something like this:




That’s it. Thank you. Sure, I can add: Thank you for this new year. Thank you for my life. Thank you for my health and my well-being. Thank you for a roof over my head. Thank  you for my dear family and friends.Thank you for my gorgeous farm that is so awesome and on its way. Thank you for my new computer that I just so happen to be writing this jawn with, Thank you Powerball jackpot win. etc. and what have you. But if I truly want to get jiggy with it, I just say Thank You. Because everything is worth a Thank You. That dude who cut you off? Thank you. That lady who brodied in front of you in line? Thank you. These wackadoodles who can’t seem to not be racist as hell in public? Thank you.


Everything is Thank you. This concept is one of those obscure things I learned working with a pain in the tukkus stage manager during my theatre days at Hampton University. No matter how pissed I would get at something I was asked to do, the only appropriate, non-sactionable (i.e push ups, laps, getting yelled at or something) response was Thank you. Even if I had to say it through clenched teeth. In the end, I didn’t even know that it actually taught me that if something is happening, even if it sucks at the time, it’s for a really good reason and so a thank you is in order. No matter what we believe, the universe is friendly. Everything is worth a Thank you. Even nothing. Someone wise wise said once:


If you’re just grateful, even if you think you have absolutely nothing to be grateful for, the universe will give you something to be grateful about.              

–Someone Wise


So what if, instead of starting this new year with a eye-gorging check list, we simply started the year with Thank You. Every single day, as our morning ritual, daily prayer and as our meditation practice. For no other reason than because we’re still here. Cause some folk we know taint. Just some food for thought.


2015 is the year of Living YO Dream 365, so stay tuned for tips, tricks, attitude adjustments and even recipes that will help you do exactly that. Also, I posted a new video. You can check it out below. Thank you for staying on this journey with me. Happy New Year!

Yours in Splendiferous THANK YOUs,
