#MakeItYOSelf #RoseWater Update!


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But Wait! There’s more!! I’ll admit I’ve been obsessed with rose water since I made my second batch last week. For whatever reason, I found the mason jars that I stored my rose flavored quasi hydrosols to be cumbersome and inconvenient for toner purposes. I wasted way too many cotton balls as to not double dip and plus mason jars are for deodorant, toothpaste and smoothies in my head. So I got to thinking. Maybe the thinking process happened because I’ve fallen on my head too many times to count via my inversion practice– but whatever the reason my brain was gurgling overtime last night, I came up with a really awesome idea on my own that I actually didn’t invent.  I thought, if rose water is so great and moisturizing for skin, maybe it’ll be the same for my hair. So without doing any research at the time, I put a mason jar full of rose water in the spray bottle I use to spritz plain water to style Aubrei’s hair in the morning.  Last night was hair wash day for me, so after I washed and parted my hair to prep for 2 strand twists, I used the rose water throughout the process to keep my hair and ends moist. Also note that I used my long time boo’s CinagrOrganics hair growth oil to massage my scalp–which I love, and just used the rose water to keep my hair damp for my twists.  By the time I finished, I was in love. My hair was so shiny it glowed. OMG.


The real test, of course, would be Aubrei’s hair. My hair has a fairly natural deep shine to it, so any health inducing product is really “just” a bonus. But Aubrei’s hair can get dull without a fair amount of diligence. So this morning, I used the rose water instead of plain water to touch up her do. Hon-tee. Shine, shine, shine! I also noticed that my two strands stayed together better and I couldn’t find even a piece of frizz. Just soft shine. Now. I already know that my CinagrOrganics Hair Growth Oil is kick ass with frizz, but I wondered if maybe the rose water was acting as an all natural version of a setting lotion– like the kind I used to use religiously in High School, through college and some years after until they discontinued it.  I think it was called Hair So New… I had zero idea this stuff was old enough to be an ancestor.




Anyway, once I noticed my personal experiment with rose water for hair had some validity for me personally, then I took to Google, only to discover that yes, rose water has been used as a natural leave in hair conditioner and setting lotion of sorts, since forever. It also helps to stimulate the scalp and keep it clean, treat dandruff and grow, long, strong lustrous shiny hair. Yes! You can use rose water as a setting lotion and actually set your actual hair with rollers by way of it. It has heat protection benefits also. So. You already know.


I also learned a new technique for making rose water that’s just as simple, but doesn’t over cook the petals so they retain more of their natural nutrients. Because the way I first posted is the way I got to use the rose water I’m using presently, I’ll leave that post up, but the alternative cooing method is:


Step 1.     Crush your organic rose petals first

Step 2.     Add enough distilled water to cover petals, but no too much.

Step 3.     Bring to boil

Step 4.     Turn off the heat and let the petals sit covered until the petals lose their color.


So easy right?! It’s actually the same process as my post, only you remove the heat once the water reaches a boil. If you use a fragrant variety of rose, all the better because your hair will smell like a rose garden.  If you don’t, that’s cool too because you still get the moisturizing benefits, just without the scent. OR… you can add a drop or two of rose essential oil to add the scent to your water.

Another great benefit of the spray bottle ( a smaller size bottle will work awesome for this) you can spritz your face any time you want to cool, tone and moisturize your skin and just swipe with a cotton ball to sweep away impurities before bed or throughout the day.  I mean. There are so many uses and benefits of rose water AND easily making it yourself, I feel a rose water skin and hair care revolution coming on. You ready?


Are you a rose water junkie yet? Am I late to this rose water party?! Was this update post even helpful for you? Tell me what you use rose water for… are there other uses beyond skin, hair and body care for it? Let me know in the comment section #YO. Happy Rose Watering…


Osho Lovianhal Friend,

