I’ve Given Up. Asking ‘How’.

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If I were to tell you all the things I had to do this week, I’m positive you wouldn’t believe me. It really was soooooo much, I was almost discouraged. I was like, there is totally zero way Imma be able to finish all this stuff by Friday AND upload a fresh blog post. Let’s not even mention ALLLLLL the stuff mommies have to do AND work too. Pffff.


Meanwhile, I’m also on day 7 of the first 21 days of a multi-month cleanse. I’m not always sure how I’m going to get from day to day when I’m the onliest one in my house detoxing and there’s my favorite kind of pizza floating around one day and General Tso’s chicken being passed across my face on other days– whilst I’m eating something dairy, gluten, sugar and processed free.


Earlier this week, over a plate of cheese flush lobster ravioli, Aubrei asked me if I wanted some.


  “No thank you.” I said.  “I’m detoxing.”


  She looked at me confused. “Don’t you like ravioli mommy?”


  “I love ravioli, but I can’t have it whilst I’m on CLEAN.” I said.


  Aubrei looked at me like I was weird for a sec and then her face lit up like she had just discovered chocolate. “Why don’t you take off from CLEAN tonight so you can have some ravioli mommy? You can CLEAN tomorrow instead.” She said.


  Surprisingly, I didn’t flinch with my response. “Why don’t I take off from helping you with your Science Fair project?”


  “Noooooo Mommy!” She said almost squealing. “You can’t do that!”


  “Exactly. When you make a commitment to something, you see it through.” I said and went about warming up whatever CLEAN approved fare I had prepared for my evening meal. Soup prolly.


I don’t know how I can sit and watch other folk enjoying stuff I’d like to enjoy with them, whilst actually enjoying my own food that’s just different (and more healthy), but I do. I don’t even bother asking how anymore. All I know is I’m doing it.


It was with this attitude of not asking how, simply seeing it through, that I got through every project commanded of me this week.  I just did. Granted, this here blog post is a twinge on the late side, but it’s still present AND if you know what it took for me to get it here, you’d be bowing to me holding plates of sauteed kale and onions.  The point is, when I stopped being worried about ‘HOW’ I was supposed to get through the thrillion things I had to get done and just got to the getting to it– with full confidence that I would honor my commitments– whilst staying on my detox– I didn’t have to worry about HOW. All I can do is shrug because I did.


WE truly are amazing beings when we stop questioning our capabilities. You can change your habits, adjust your self talk, do every single thing you have to along with everything you WANT to do, uplevel your relationship with money, uplevel your relationship with people, enjoy being a (fun) parent and detox all in the same lifetime. You can fit all your awesome in and not be stressed out about it. The key, I’m learning, is the ‘commit’ part. We keep asking ‘how’. But really our task is the ‘what’. What? ~~~> Commit to awesome and see your dreams through. Each moment as it comes, yes? Easy peasy right? Nah.


Well anyway. That’s what I learned this week. Hope it helps something. Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!

Osho Lovianhal friends,




Learn tuahstai bashodiin

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