Bulljanking Has Its Purpose…Too.

Bulljanking Has Its Purpose…Too.


Happy Friday! Hellooooo! Welcome to another winning week of awesome. Yay!


I hear often about how people like to tell other people that procrastination is the devil. I don’t agree. I think that procrastination, when used properly, can be somewhat of a mental vacay–and it is kinda–you ain’t doing nothing anyway. So.


I think procrastination gets a bad rap because–as with most good things–people use it to the point of ridiculousness. And then wonder why their lives suck. Honestly, anything in moderation can be good for you. Like cake. A piece is yummy, the whole lot is gluttonous.


I say all of this because this week has been a holy hot mess of stuff I had to do. I accomplished most of it–all of it was related to Book 2 release + 10 other things I would love to no longer have on my plate…  I will say though by the time I got to today, I was literally looking at my computer screen like whuh? You want me to write whuh? A blog whet? A newsletter huh? Admittedly, I contemplated letting this week go, because of the sheer tiredness of my life and the complete lack of motivation that happens when you get bit by the procrastination bug.  But we know by now that once I make a commitment, I do my best to follow through–even if it takes a year or two…


Which brings us to the very important lesson. Embrace all the things you feel when you feel them. Everything we experience has value. When we can stay in the moment and feel what we feel, something amazing can happen. Focus has its place. As does everything else that wouldn’t be considered *cough* focused. Who would have thunk that my feeling like playing L.O.V.E. Letter hooky today would produce anything at all? It turns out, the message from the ether is that it’s okay to procrastinate every once in while. Taking a break, smelling the roses and catching up on your fave things to do is fruit for the soul. It’s like cake. When you have a ton of commitments, a piece is great. Take a break and savor. See? You can have it all. Procrastination and a dope productive life too. As long as you spread the cake out to more than one sitting. Get it? Never mind.


So. That’s what I learned this week. I do hope it helps something. Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!

Osho Lovianhal friends,


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