Come Get Free with Me…

Come Get Free with Me…

Happy Friday Night Love and Light to you! Welcome to another winning week of awesome!

Ever heard the saying: “you don’t know how strong you are until life beats the crap out of you with a wood plank repeatedly to the side of your face?” No? Yes? I’m here to confirm officially that I am one strong sista diva chic. Between my dad’s in and out dance with his heart and St. Mary’s hospital, keeping my family together, holding a space of love and light for those who are used to a more negative way of being, the culmination of my daughter’s school year and moving in accord with the awesome my life wants to be… hon-to-tha-tee. Iz tiiieeeeddd. I’m scrong tho. Pfff.


I will also say, that while every amount of my knowing and being has been tested these last few weeks, my faith has not moved. I know what I know that I know what I know and that the way of the truth works. The old way I used to live from, I was persistently in some form of crisis or disaster that felt like one big cortisol dump and my life sucked so badly OMG. But now, even in the midst of what looks like storms everywhere, I am a rock on the outside and a flow of peace and joy on the inside. I have all sorts of emotions that may not seem pretty. Tears aren’t always pretty. But my tears now are cleansing. When I breathe in, my breaths are cleansing and releasing all that stress induced cortisol that turns to poison in the body. When I sit in meditation, every answer I could ever need just flows to me and I can handle anything–even admitting that I’m tired and in need of a break.


That, my friends is true power. Knowing that no matter what is going on in your life or the lives of those around you, you have peace and you know you’re good. And I mean, you truly know without a shadow of a doubt. Mostly because you know that anything that is happening in your life is there to grow you. Because anything that taint growing is dead. We’re here to LOVE. We’re here to LOVE so hard that our lives quake when we walk. We’re here to give so much that we literally live from the overflow. It takes courage to LOVE so hard and to give so much, but it’s who we are and what we must… we’re here to trust that inner knowing that we’re here on purpose and our purpose has value beyond anything we can imagine. AND to believe the universe is friendly. If it’s happening, it’s for a really good reason. Always. There’s freedom in that. Life is freedom. So come get free with me, will you?

So. That’s what I learned this week. I do hope it helps something. Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!

Osho Lovianhal friends,


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