Your Law, Your Life. Still.


Give (inner) Peace a Chance…

Happy Friday (Saturday) Night (Super Early Morning) Love and Light to you! Welcome to another winning week of awesome!


I wasn’t looking for today’s topic. I totally wasn’t. I had a dozen or so topics planned out for the coming weeks during my vision session and consequent editorial schedule. I have successfully made my life neat, clean and orderly. And yet, I still have this yummy feeling that my life is a bit of a renegade dance. I’ve decided my schedule is more like a suggestion. I set my intentions. I’m committed to them. And yet, I go with the flow, which makes the process fun, instead of prison-esque to my freedom loving self.


True to form, my busy, busy day took center stage and by the time I had time to make time to write this post, none of the post ideas I had planned were even relevant, nor resonating in my spirit. What I like most about Friday Night Love + Light is that every week it is a truly inspired culmination of a lesson I’ve learned through the course of the week (by force or by foul). Turns out, you can’t exactly pre-schedule unfoldment. Womp.


So there I was. Staring at my computer screen with my signature blank blink whilst listening to (for the thousandth time) this super crazy awesome talk by Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith from over half a decade ago. It’s called, Your Law, Your Life. Boo. This talk is quite literally what set my whole spiritual journey off so many years ago. It changed everything. I wasn’t the same after I heard it and I credit it for being the jump off point of so many awesome things I’ve experienced over the years, and most specifically, the evolution of the woman I am today.


The only reason it even came up is because earlier today, I was chatting via text with a dear, dear friend who told me she was ready to embark fully in her own spirit journey. No lie, the very first thing that came to mind was that talk. I spent nearly an hour rummaging through my old files looking for the thing and re-uploading it to Sound Cloud so I could share it with her. From there, I went ahead and sent it to a few more people as they turned up in my spirit. I’ve listened to it at least a dozen times for myself throughout the course of the day. It’s just that good. Funny though, at no point in listening to it did I once consider making it today’s topic. Not once. So I’m sitting here staring at my computer screen, blank blinking it going “What did I learn this week? What message am I designed to share?” Won’t nothing coming to mind but “I’m tiiiiiiied.”


It was only after I found myself actually paying attention to myself listening to it for the thousandth time, while blinking blankly about what today’s post should be that I recognized the obvious. I was like “Oh”.  I don’t really need to set this talk up here. I do that quite well during the intro that was added about a year or two ago– for the last time spirit called on me to post it. Funny how some things just stick. How some things that we file in the vault come back to remind us of where we’ve been and where we’re destined to go. I love it when something I’m not even looking for finds me, don’t you?


And so, it’s your turn. You can listen to Your Law, Your Life here! I’d love to hear your thoughts when you’re done!

So. That’s what I learned this week. I do hope it helps something. Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!
Osho Lovianhal,
