The BlkArtistory 365 series started in 2019 as a weekly Black History Month segment on The Envy McKee Show, airing on WURD.
It evolved from a passion project into a mission…
Some of Our favorite Episodes include:
And more!
There are BlkArtistory 365 episodes that have only been heard on the radio. There are some that haven’t aired yet and some in the works. Considering that BlkArtistory 365 is a LIVING Blkartsclopedia, by the time we’re complete there will be hundreds of episodes and a foundation for others to keep going with the series. While the series is currently “theatre of the mind”. The intention is to expand into a visual series–which is also in the works.
why yes! Blkartistory 365 is great content for your radio station, audio program or school.
This Video has more details...
if you'd like to be a part of this glorious blk journey, reach out! Why yes, licensing and sponsorship opportunities are available...