In the Beginning There Was… *Cough*

Yeah. As scheduled, I began Dr. Junger’s Clean this week. Tuesday it was. Feb 1. Uh huh. I mean, it wasn’t exactly the way I had anticipated the first day of the rest of my life to be. I was thinking maybe a few cherubs with harps with a smattering of angels singing “welcome to the health of your life!” At minimum maybe, the acoustic version of “Pretty Girl Rock” or even “Party Like A Rock Star”. Meanwhile, I was singing a chorus of I’m sleeping, I’ve got the aches, yes, I totally have the covers allllllll the way over my head and yes, that’s a pillow between my knees. Leave me a lone. Please? Thank you. I’m trying to think of what song goes with that… the only thing that comes to mind is Cee Lo Green’s F**K YOU! And so it does…


I’m happy to report, that whilest supposedly ill or suffering temporarily from under-the-weather-ness, I did, in fact begin my cleanse on schedule and I did not, in fact, add any further toxicity to my body by taking “drugs”. I think from Monday night through Tuesday, I had the deepest cleanse ever because I literally ate/drank nothing but green juice. Sure, it was store bought and probably had the nutritional significance of a tennis ball, but still. I did have help, with way too much sleep and a homeopathic mouth spray. So Tuesday and Wednesday until about 3:30p Green Juice and medicinal mouth spray, Nice and clean!


Considering that I hadn’t eaten anything in 3 days, one would think that my insides would be inside out. They weren’t. I didn’t actually start feeling hunger until maybe a few minutes before I drank. I was getting caught up in playing with my new juicer and I suppose the hunger pang was a “Hello! Juice lady! Nope, noooo…. it doesn’t need another earthy beet. It NEEDS you to drink it!” And so my very first home made truly freshly juiced green juice, wasn’t even actually green. It was a beautiful purple, because I added an earthy beet. It was delish by the way.


How do I feel? Considering I only really have one day to go from and not much of it, I feel awesome! Considering I literally HAD a cold not but a day ago and now I don’t even have lingering mucous or coughing or headache or body aches or anything cold-esque at all. That’s pretty amazing.


I ate the lentil salad I prepared for my lunch for breakfast this morning, instead of the juice I made last night. I made a much smaller salad than I would have and I’m almost a bit too full from just eating that. I will also say that I smell garlic everywhere.  I wonder how long that will go on and if it will become annoying.


Um… the only challenge I can honestly say that I’m dealing with is drinking enough water. After eating that salad and just now not feeling so full from THE second smallest salad on the planet, I haven’t been looking forward to ingesting again until it’s time for my purple green juice at lunch. [I endured. 12 oz. I don’t feel gross full, but this will be a challenge I have to work through.]


All in all, while weight loss is definately NOT an issue for me, I’m looking forward to see how my body reacts to the food changes. It’s not really drastic, but I’m adding a lot more to my current palate, plus whole, fresh juices and for these three weeks, I’m simplifying my life and staying on the vegan path. I’m looking forward to see how my skin and nails react.


I’m also paying attention to my focus and metal clarity. Like right now, my brain is going in a trillion different directions…. um… we’ll chat again in a few days…


The moral of this story? No idea. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and Abundant “3 days down” blessings! Love, -e-