The Most Beautiful Thing Happened Today…

What happened today? Day 4 of Clean happened of course! And… I made soup!


As promised, I’m keeping you bi-weekly (or semi-weekly, or whatever weekly) abreast of my goings on whilest I “Clean”.


Not really surprisingly, I’ve made it to and through Day 4! Yay! My excitement mounts as I continue on, allowing each day to be a bit of a food adventure for me. I say not really surprisingly because, I have a bit of a foundation going for me having experience in and liking healthy food already. I was simply a bit cavalier about eating it and not as savvy as I may have thought I was before reading Dr. Junger’s book.


I also didn’t realize how little effort I put forth when eating. I would buy good stuff and have it on hand, but a lot of times, it would go to waste because I didn’t know what to do with it or whatever. Some things would never have made it to my shopping cart. How many kinds of greens can one buy and eat?! Turns out, a whole lot! By committing to this program, I don’t have the option of wasting stuff (I bought a juicer for goodness sake).


The cool thing about buying fresh food and not prepackaged stuff and having a juicer is that there are so many options! When I initially went to market to get food to play with my juicer with, I bought all kinds of great for you fresh food just to see how it would taste in juice. two different kinds of Kale, cabbage, 3 or 4 different kinds of apples, berries, cucumbers, cilantro, parsley, carrots I bought a fresh coconut (I still can’t figure out how to open), pineapple, ginger root, BEETS! and a slew of other really interesting finds. I tried to get color variety, but I mostly played with the green stuff. Surprisingly, I could be as creative as I wanted and it all tasted awesome with no sugar added, no nothing. Who knew? I did make a minor blunder by adding the smallest smattering of garlic to a juice blend and while the base of the juice was awesome, the garlic was *ugh*. And so I’ve figured out why I’ve been smelling garlic for two days. We live and we learn right?


Keeping that in mind, juicing flows well with my current lifestyle because you can make a batch or two and have some for morning meal, and some for evening meal or have something different for dinner and drink the rest of said batch for breakfast the next morning. (Note: um…24 hours is the fridge life) Plus, having never juiced fresh food like I am now, I had no idea that it actually sustains you through a good part of day. You would think I’d be starving come lunch. Nope. Eating solid food is where I get tricked up a bit. But I’m cooking really good stuff and that’s a plus.


As I mentioned earlier, buying fresh food actually creates more options. I decided today that I didn’t want juice for dinner. I decided I wanted soup. And I had this idea of what the soup should look and taste like and I literally created it all in my head and from all the stuff I knew I already had in the fridge. I played around with all these new spices I had never thought to buy before this program and created THE most delicious tasting and healthful soup masterpiece! It’s a little sweet, a little spicy, has all kinds of greens and veggies and a smattering of chicken in an organic veggie broth. It was comfort food that didn’t make me the slightest bit sleepy. Awesome! This is how food is supposed to feel when it goes in, me tinks.


I’m beginning to have a bit of a love affair with all the possibilities I’m faced with. Plus, weirdly enough, I see things a bit more clearly. I do mean that literally. Like I’m looking at this computer screen and it’s hella brighter for some reason. Hmmmm. Could it be the nutrients I’m actually getting now?


Plus, I’m noticing my mood is far more consistent. I feel more grounded. More positive (if that’s even possible) and unlike with my store bought green juice, I actually feel like I’ve given my body tools it can use. The most perfect example is my earlier this week bout with that cold that is now really gone. Have you ever gotten over a cold in 2 days tops? Neither have I. I told you in my last post, as soon as I was well enough to take my bee-hind to the market, I got the goods and made juice. I’ve been damn near great ever since. I couldn’t even tell people out loud I had been sick. It just felt wrong because there wasn’t the slightest sick residue even in my spirit. *If you’re looking for an “out” for work, sorry*


Other things I’ve noticed really in the last two days is I have even more energy. I was jittery a little yesterday and so I made sure I added a workout to my day today and man. Good times. Normally when I first start a work out after a hiatus of any length, I expect to not be able to keep up for at least the first work out or two. No dice. I was all over it and adding extra. Movements precise. Added bounce to my steps. I was faster, like in the zone. I can’t wait for my workout tomorrow! That’s a great sign. The one thing I can say is that I’m already an energetic person. Adding energy for me is like adding a match to a raging forrest fire. Which probably means I need to find more activities to eat up some of the excess…uh…”Envy-ness” Or somebody find some water put me out.


Also, as of today, my breathing is hella clear. I breathe more deeply and  *uck* I’ve been coughing up mucus. I know, gross. I’m not sure how soon the part where all the stuff you’re trying to clean actually comes out is supposed to happen, however, by way of my skin and my cough–it’s happening. I need to stay steadfast with my other end stuff, which I will not detail in any of my update posts if I can help it, however, according to Dr. Junger, these must be extra special regular and so… I won’t keep you posted either way.


All in all, I’m happy to report my Clean is going very well and I’m proud that I’ve taken such a fondness to the process and allowing my self the growth in it. It feels like I”ve been eating like this forever and it’s only been two days! (even though I’m on Day 4. Weird.)  I said this before, this is my way of opening up my life to the possibilities of awesome in every area of my life. It’s about being the actual captain of this ship I driving and making sure  the fuel I use to travel around the world is top notch. I’m looking forward to see how updating my fuel choices evolves my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being (s) in the next 2 weeks and 3 days and in what ways it compounds throughout the rest of my life. It’s a work in progress that I hope to make a part of my present lifestyle and so far so good!


It’s never too late for you to begin this journey for yourself. If you haven’t already, go on ahead and join my fan page, read up on how this whole journey started right here and try it for yourself. Post me how you’re doing and we’ll keep in touch whilest we’re at it. If you’re not ready yet, that’s so cool. Maybe you’ll enjoy my journey and be inspired to try by week 3’s end. Whichever the case…


The moral of this story? Nope. None here. Just some literal food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and Abundant “the most beautiful thing happened today” blessings! Love, -e-