Week 2: Becoming One of the “Weirds”…

Hello There!!! Welcome to week 2! Remember, my clean weeks start on Tuesday and ends on Monday, so technically I have plenty of time to fit 2 blog posts in… um…


So. I just ate an entire plate of  organic cucumber wedges with organic, raw apple cider vinegar, a smidge of sea salt and some red pepper.–I wanted french fries. In the oven right now, I have fresh sweet potato wedges, swirled with cold pressed olive oil, sea salt and happy spices.–still. I wanted french fries.


In case you’re just tuning in, for the last week and some change, I’ve eaten zero dairy, eggs, gluten products, nor processed foods. My meals have mainly been about a variety of smoothies from a blueberry, cacao, almond milk one, to a berry one made with fresh coconut milk. Yes. I am proficient in making both fresh from scratch almond milk and fresh (direct from the furry brown husk) coconut milk. I also eat one mid day meal that’s mostly vegetables and legumes. Mostly though, it’s a wide, wide variety of veggies. Which, apparently, has made me weird. I mean, more weird than people already think I am.


I had a very brief convo with a guy yesterday who had been trying to catch my eyes for the better part of the last few weeks. I’ve been nice to him in a I’ll smile, wave and keep walking sort of way. But today, he struck up words. It would have been rude if I kept walking. Although… anyway. Believe I’ve been a bit too quiet about my very public cleaning scenario, particularly when not in front of a computer. He asked me something random. Somehow the answer was related to something I was eating that was (to him) weird healthy and so without blinking much he said: “Oh, you’re one of those weird people.”


I didn’t take any offense. I didn’t even involuntarily roll my eyes and walk away calling him a moron as I went. In fact, I laughed maybe a bit too amusingly. “Weird?”, I asked. He was like, yeah. “You make your own chips and salsa don’t you?” He asked. ” Nope”, I said. “But I probably would if I could have either the next few weeks.” So then, even more weirdly, I mentioned that I was on a voluntary, restrictive diet that basically doesn’t allow, dairy, eggs, gluten or crap. He was like, “yeah, you’re one of those.” Why I mentioned that tidbit, I dunno. I suppose I wanted to be as weird as I possibly could for him–I hear it neutralizes stalker types.


Interestingly enough, he never asked how I came to be on said restrictive diet. He didn’t want to know how long I’d been on it or how long I would continue to be. He didn’t ask what kinds of things I do eat.  He didn’t seem to care how my diet was prior and how being restricted from eating diary, eggs, gluten and crap made me feel better or worse or how I coped when I craved a bacon cheeseburger, pizza or a steak with mashed potatoes. Or if I did. He didn’t ask any of those things because the moment I said restrictive–his ears shut off. The moment he knew I’ve been eating (to him) super human well, his mind wandered over to the girl in the corner with the powdered donut–The girl, he was sure, didn’t make home made sweet potato wedges to dip in raw, organic apple cider vinegar (because ketchup is off limits and it’s so good anyway it’s sinful). Instantly, the girl in the corner who was at least *cough* pounds over weight, has a mild limp, follows him home and sleeps in the bushes outside of his house at night (because she can’t stop thinking about him since he spoke to her last month) became the most beautiful woman in the room if only because she undoubtedly buys her chips and salsa in the crap isle of the regular supermarket. Jeez.


So what. I’ve been becoming “weird” for a very long time. I think I was supposed to be full out weird by my 18th birthday–around the time I became vegetarian( the first time )– I think I prolonged the full out weird process because I wanted at least a semblence of a semi- normal life.  It appears, we’ve finally come full circle then.


I also think my publicly participating in Dr. Junger’s “Clean” program was my highest self’s way of having me come to grips and profess my weirdness in a public forum. Where it meets the ether. And can not be reeled back in, despite my honest best intentions.


I’ve had 12 days to ponder all of this thoroughly. Starting this program has been both the best and worst possible thing that could happen to me. Yes. Absolutely. It’s the best because, wow. I love how I feel. How my skin looks. How scary clear my head is. Like, scary… clear. Imagine it. *shivers*


I’ve finally come to understand how I should have done my vegetarian experience the first time. Really not depriving myself of anything, but gaining everything. Understanding the needs of our bodies and how food works in our bodies. Understanding the benefits of different kinds of food. Understanding how food works to begin with and why processed food makes literally no sense AT all and is THE single biggest waste of time we all make daily. Serious. AND keeps us sick, dependent on medication and drug companies AND… we’ll save the rant for my next post.


Honestly, I love my food options. I love all the many ways the food comes together creatively. I love all the different flavors and spices I never knew existed. I love how I can “crave” something and come up with an actually more satisfying alternative. (Right now I’m all about sweet potatoes. I’m trying a curry recipe with fresh coconut milk and red lentils)


I’ve even been planning how my love for baking and improving the quality of people’s lives will evolve. I’ve been reseaching dairy, gluten and egg free recipes to take my cookies, cakes and pies to the vegan and (sometimes) raw next level. I’m not sure what the end result of this journey will take me, but I’m totally digging how I’m feeling as I’m going. Which leads me to why this program is THE worst possible thing that could happen to me…


Look. I’m a single  (albeit fabulous) mother who one day hopes to meet, marry and hopefully eek out another procreative being or two. It’s already slim pickens for far too many fabulous divas. Imagine what my life will be like once the world finds out I’m a fabulous diva who is also one of those “weirds” , who *gasp* cooks, bakes and eats mostly vegan and doesn’t eat processed food?! OMG. I shudder at the thought. Meanwhile, I simply can’t go back to my eating before. Nor shall Aubrei (kicking and screaming).


*Giggling* As I write this, I’m humming and chomp-chomping on my fresh out of the oven sweet potato fries that I’m dipping in my raw, organic apple cider vinegar instead of ketchup. My skin is flush, my hair looks like silk, I’ve lost 5 pounds I didn’t actually need to loose and I feel pretty fffing amazing before I’ve even gotten to day 14.  It’s day 12 mind you.


Maybe I don’t mind so much becoming one of the “weirds”. Maybe whomever my male counterpart is, he’s kindof weird too. *giggle*


The moral of this story? You know, I really can’t call it. Just some food for thought and keeping you abreast of my cleaning progress. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and Abundant Cleanly Day 12 blessings!!! Tune in tomorrow (or Monday) whilest I tell you about how week 2 should really be called “the week of reckoning”… see you then! Love, -e-