The Stellar Trilogy, Book 2: Awake “Dear Reader”
The Stellar Trilogy, Book 2: Awake “Dear Reader”

The Stellar Trilogy, Book 2: Awake “Dear Reader”

Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love?' These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will be many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.
Henri Nouwen

Dear Reader,

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.  ~ Maya Angelou

There are some works that simply take over. When I first sat down to write The Stellar Trilogy, Book 1: Among Us,  I had roughly zero idea it would have the kind of impact in people’s lives that it has. I hoped that it would. My main mission is to be a beneficial presence on this planet. I want to inspire people to be as conscious, creative, kind, generous, thoughtful, individual and wonderful as they are rich. I’m here to encourage people to activate their inner superhero. Which is funny to say out loud when I can still vividly remember being petrified of my first book when I finished it.  I tell the whole sordid ordeal in the Dear Reader section of Book 1. I was PETRIFIED that people would think that I was crazy for daring to write something that questions everything– and in my own unique way. But that’s what we are here for right? To tell the world what we think in a way only we can? It sounds good. But for so many of us, being different, being “other” is painful enough. We have no real interest in being vocal about it too. 

This is the theme that Kai faces since this series beginning. I’m positive that it will continue until the series ends and whichever spinoff series happen. This idea of being “other”, of being considered the fringe or grey matter is powerful, but only if we are willing to harness the power of our unique, individual gifts. Right now, the concept of being “other” is scary because too many of WE of the “other” variety have been silent. We’ve wanted so desperately to fit in.  We’ve been so scared to be ridiculed or bullied or treated as less than. We’ve been afraid of our own skin, hair, ideas, thoughts, dreams, missions, passions and purposes. We’ve stood on the sidelines and watched the “mainstream” dictate what our power looks like. We’ve devalued ourselves because somebody at some time told us that we don’t matter. Somebody said that it’s impossible to do what we’re here for because (name your reason here). The thing is, there is nobody that can and will ever do what we can and came to this planet to do. We’re here for a reason. We live to fulfill a mission, just like Kai.   One of the main themes that Kai tackles in this book is coming to grips with her “why”. She figured out her “what” in Book 1. She’s here to balance The Entwine (in one lifetime) and return her father to their people, yes? But why is she here? Why does any of what she’s here to do make even a teeny bit of a difference to anybody at all? A funny thing happens when you ask the right questions.  The most interesting thing that happens is you figure out the answer to every single question you can possible ask is L.O.V.E. Kai learns this in every way she is designed to… as a jump off point. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention here that the response to Book 1 has been no less than overwhelming. I’ve been humbled by how this story has resonated with so many lives.  This work has proven itself to be a sort of Soul-Fi Superhero manual.  What we discover about ourselves in Book 2 is that we are ALL superheroes. Oh yes, even you.  My heart is full by all the people of all walks of life, colors, creeds, ethnicities and ideas who have found something powerful in this story that speaks to them in ways that causes them to share. When I think of how snippets of my work have been quoted and how the ideas therein have been celebrated, truly, it’s like WOW. It’s more than I could have even imagined. To touch a life, to change a mind, to engage a conversation that shifts a worldview. Even if it’s one. This is what we are here for. To put our truth out there, even if it’s scary. Our ideas, dreams and hopes are valid.  And when we are brave enough to live our truth, we in turn encourage the ideas, dreams and hope of others. 

This idea was solidified for me as I watched Lupita Nyong’o claim her Oscar for the role of Patsy in the movie 12 Years a Slave.  As most of us did, I watched with equal parts awe and tears.  She said, “When I look down at this little statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid.”  And yes, they are. We are each here to serve a divine purpose. We are here to live out loud. We are here to make sure that the world knows that our feet and Earth’s soil have met and had a love affair. As Kai learns, each of us chose to be here. We may not always like the path we’ve chosen. We 

may get frightened and wonder how to get through, particularly when our path becomes shrouded in darkness. We also learn to be brave. To stand up and face the dark with as much boldness as we would in the light. For when we do, we become the beacon that guides our path to our greatest, best destiny. We learn to do this, because what we’re here for is all there is. We also learn that if the world we want doesn’t yet exist, we are here to create it. We are here to be the world we want to live in. It has always been so, and so it is. Bashodiin.

Osho Lovianhal Friends,


April 10, 2014

Aphroditia, TuStai

Unbelievably amazing!!! Envy McKee has returned with a force!! I couldn't wait for the second part and now i have it!! What a refreshing Sci-Fi adventure!! You realize without even realizing that during Kai's journey to take her rightful place, Kai of TuStai, and to balance the Entwine, that you are indeed Kai! When have you seen this?? NEVER!!! A Sci-Fi personal development Trilogy??!! The battle with the Dozen of Derg, finding out who Kwa-yin is, the meeting with the elders, and the intertwining of Kai and Mahee to create their Haiu....AAAAAHHHHHHHHH, Edge!! This will have you yearning for MORE! This woman we know as Envy McKee is truly a visionary! You'll see, for this is a MUST READ, after the first one of course! I'm still rolling my eyes with my arms folded because I have to wait again... Osho Lovianhal
Divine I.
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Get your super hero "ON" in this second installment of "The Stellar Trilogy". As if book 1 didn't inspire greatness, book 2 is on TURBO. As I delve into the mind of each character, I learn so much about myself. Envy's superior articulation, bold and in-your-face, compelling, and humorous brand of writing is sure to keep you salivating from one chapter to the next. Have your cape on hand. Powerful stuff....can't wait for book 3!!!!!! Thank you Envy. Please do the movie!!!!!!.
Omni F.
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Flawless!!! Another masterpiece from the brilliant mind of Envy McKee. The journey this book takes you on is one that keeps you begging for more with each turning page. You have no choice but to jump into Kai and go through every emotion and feel the waves of lessons that she encounters. You will often find yourself applying her lessons into your own life. As you continue to read you will come to realize that this book is no ordinary book. Moments were Kai is being guided, you to will be guided to get you through something in your life that you have no idea you were even going through. It's brilliant, magnificent, mind-blowing and self healing if you allow your mind to just BE FREE as you read. Don't think just read and it will come to you....... then you will soon understand that this book you have been reading is a self-help book!!!! Who does that?? Who writes a sci-fi, self help book that has a super hero in it??? (Yes a super hero because Kai is just that and she will quickly become one of your favorites.) Well Ms. Envy McKee can and DID write such a book. I promise you this book is worth the read and will have you begging for book 3 as soon as you read the last word and throw the book across the room!!.
Imani F.
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