The Stellar Universe, Book 4: Deep Roots “Dear Reader”
The Stellar Universe, Book 4: Deep Roots “Dear Reader”

The Stellar Universe, Book 4: Deep Roots “Dear Reader”

“However far a stream flows, it doesn’t forget its origin."
- African proverb

Dear Reader,

Lovianhail! This book has been a long time coming. Seven years long. I had not intended it to take this long to release this work, but it is what it is. I’m grateful for every moment, day, month, and year it took for me to process all the things I’ve learned on this part of my journey.

It has been complicated. There was, of course, the global pandemic that impacted all our lives and livelihoods. Several of these years I walked my father through to the ancestor portal, all while being in Spiritual Practitioner training. My only daughter graduated from high school and entered college. And more. Much, much more. It wasn’t until I was alone, alone with my big feelings that I felt ready to focus on completing this work and releasing it to you.

I’ve lost and gained so much to get here, to this day, that you get to read these words. As with my other Stellar Series offerings, the story came to me as stills and glimmers of lingering ideas that often-looked like dream sequences. It took some time to decipher everything that came through. I had no idea how most of it would come to be this story.

And yet, it did.

I knew by the end of Book 3 that there would be at least 9 and potentially 12 (!!!) books in total by the time this Stellar collection is complete. I do think a part of me thought one book more than the three I had already released into this world was a book too many. I still grapple with the kind of imposter syndrome I’ll assume a lot of artists do. Who am I to write this book? I would ask in a myriad of ways, as if a satisfying answer would come from anyone but me. Meanwhile, now that I’m looking back at my process of writing this story, I realize two things.

First, this is a book that I was born to write.

Second, as with any journey—it takes as long as it takes.

These books, from the first three stories that set the foundation for this one and any others that come after this one—these books are designed to BE a journey. I take the ride as I write, in the same way that you, Star Fam, take the ride as you read.

Spirit designed these stories in this way (through me), because that’s how life is. Despite our best laid out plans, and regardless of how astute we are as co-creatrixes of our lives—life must be LIVED. We learn through doing, through exploring. We learn through the process of our becoming. Same as Kai.

My spiritual mother, Dr. Carol Penn told me once that these books are living portals. I concur. They are just as alive I am—as we are. And. They are designed for you to receive from them what you bring to them. And that, we’ll suppose, is what I love about these stories and what also frightens me about them. There is no place in the story to hide from yourself. Meanwhile, I’m always surprised about what comes through when I take myself out of it and allow the story to tell itself. Does that make sense? I learned through this offering that this is true about me also. When I allow myself to be who my soul wants to be, rather than what I think the world wants me to be, I flourish. Same goes for you.

This is as good a place as any to remind you that Kai is you. The name Kai means love. As you read this story, as best you can, put yourself in Kai’s skin. “Be Here Now” with her and take the journey as her. In this part of Kai’s journey, she is grappling with the notion that she is not where she thinks she is. Even with all she has learned about herself and physically done in Book 3—which was a lot—it turns out, nothing is what she thinks it is. And isn’t that so much like our lives? We think we have at least some things figured out, until we realize–NO. We do not know as much as we thought we did. And maybe, a part of that stinging reality is because we’ve been distracting ourselves with things beyond the path we’re supposed to be on. No judgement zone.

It happens to the best of us. The other theme of this story is the idea of doing our own work. Kai is persistently told throughout the series that she exists to “save the world” from The Derg and that she must plant a mysterious, sentient interdimensional tree and return her father to their people—oh—and balance “The Entwine” in one lifetime. She is also reminded how much those around her have sacrificed to put her in a position that she can do all these things. Add to that, she’s been retrofitted throughout this series with a special kind of pressure to perform her varying “duties” without having a solitary clue how to do any of it. She’s supposed to simply “trust” that she can. How Sway?

Even more, how is she supposed to do each of these very specific things if she does not even know herself? Yet. The gorgeous unfoldment here, maybe, is that the work we do within us, is the nucleus for any work we will do outside of us. This is the essence, I believe, of the quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” We have to BE that which we wish to SEE. Which is no easy fete.

I’ll add here that just like the seven years it took for me to materialize this book– the daily work of willingness, acceptance and then, eventually, integration—takes as long as it takes.

Forgiveness takes as long as it takes.

Self-love takes as long as it takes.

These things often require un-learning a lifetime’s worth of stuff through a series of processes—that also takes as long as they take.

None of this is easy work. Sitting with the pains of our past like they are dear old friends, rather than demons to slay… takes a conscientious shifting of perspective. It takes the willingness to remember our whole, true self includes, even the things we think we hate about us. I believe the lot of us came to Earthplane to heal our line. To BE the change our ancestors couldn’t be. This story is about that too.

Just like Book 4’s title, this chronicle is about connection. To the past. To the present. To what happened “before” that got us to this moment. And what happens in this moment that takes us, unwittingly, to a future we cannot know. This book is also about how, if we can trust our insight and instincts and training—we will undoubtedly find our way to where we were always designed to be.

The universe is friendly. 

Welcome, by the way, to a new trilogy within the Omniverse that is The Stellar Series. Just as Books 1-3 came together as The Stellar Trilogy; These next three books, once complete, will form The Stellar Universe.

May I suggest a carafe of Egyptian Blue Lotus tea to sip whilst you read. And. If you like reading with background music, check out the suggested playlist at the end of this book. 🙂

As they say in Swahili, Safari Njema. As they say in Tuahstai, Lovian Osho.

I love you,


Starfolk Universe-city Courtyard Gardens, Earthplane