iPhone does NOT have an iJail Break Application…Yet
iPhone does NOT have an iJail Break Application…Yet

iPhone does NOT have an iJail Break Application…Yet

Nor does the iPhone have an iSwim application. So if you drop your iPhone in any form of water, it sinks. And then you need to buy a new phone. Should you become completely and irrationally frustrated with your iPhone for any reason that can’t be fixed over the phone or at the Apple store because you didn’t make an appointment 3 days in advance…please don’t do anything rash. Now you know what the title of this post is about.



Actually, this post isn’t really about that either. I have had nothing but good customer service experiences with regard to Apple and my iPhone. It’s AT&T that can suck a fairly large egg that hasn’t been hard boiled.



The title of this post is completely irrelevant. Except for the fact that it was part of the conversation I had with the iPhone specialist I spoke with earlier–Grant. He was totally funny.



Okay so several more of my friends were let go a few days ago en masse at my former place of employment. My response time is slow, I know, because I wasn’t sure–in fact, I’m still not sure how I feel about it. My heart hurts a little because the folks I’m referring are amazingly talented and held down the station(s) in ways that only they could. It’s a travesty really. A budget ploy–no doubt. Hire a fool on credit, fire the fam to pay off the debt. I’m speaking in riddles. My bad.



It may seem like I’m rambling, but as I’m coming to terms with the state of the union on all fronts, I’m realizing why some businesses endure–even, thrive, during seeming economic turmoil and some businesses either fail or are sure on their way to the porceline bowl–and then finally–FLUSH! I believe that it all boils down to good customer service. Treat people with respect, enthusiasm, a willingness to see to their respective needs with a smile, and most of all–treat people the way you would want to be treated if they were supposed to be helping you.



Apple has got that on lock. My experience with Grant this evening solidified the deal for me. The fact that Grant was happy and accomodating says something to me about the corporate culture. Business is good–employees are happy. As far as I’m concerned Apple will be in business forever. Radio One? I’m not so sure.



Okay, yeah. Radio One was founded by a Black woman. It’s 27 some odd years old and is the leading black-owned and operated Urban formatted radio/TV corporation in the world. Yessir. The problem is that Radio One has a long standing history of treating its employees like shit. I’m sorry, shit is a strong word. Plus, it’s an insult to shit everywhere. The benefit of the doubt would be warranted here if it were just Philly. We could blame the corporate staff and keep it moving. Problem is, the word on the streets is that across all state lines where Radio One holds water–her employees are generally disgruntled–overworked, terribly underpaid, asked to strip themselves of any bit of their personality, and then tossed aside for whatever reason suits. Especially when ratings are up–please don’t ask for a raise comisserate to one’s considerable work. It’s just their way. Deal with it. Okay yeah, there is also a history of hiring hire ups that are so ego-maniacle it would make Napoleon and maybe Dick Cheyney blush.



Some may say, it’s just the entertainment biz. It’s cut throat. Folks at the top do what they must to survive. Yeah, sounds a lot to me like ENRON. And the George Bush Administration. And Hillary and Bill Clinton during Hill’s bid for president.



The truth that I see is that we are all surfing this economic tidal wave because the big (little) heads at the top put their pockets before their people. Created big conglomerates of literal corporate shells on the backs of their tireless employees. Let their greed get the best of them and then tossed their worker bees to keep their pockets full. So then folks is unemployed, they lose their homes because some greed whack sold them a bum mortgage, so all kinds of usually spendy folks stop spending, the banks that did the bum deals are going under and then other banks stop lending–even to each other–stocks plummet–businesses go out of business, etc. and so again, I believe the gist of this worldwide financial drama boils down to what class?



Really bad customer service.


And we all can say Amen that bad customer service is a tell tale sign of really bad business. Why? Because customers tend to be loyal to the business that treats them like something. Yeah, I said it.

You may be thinking–well Envy, employers are not required to treat their own employees with good customer service. They’re not customers, they’re servants. Right. Because Massa may own the house, but it’s the slaves that keep the house running. They pick the cotton. They make 600 thread count sheets from that cotton. They take care of the babies and keep the house in order. Happy slaves, happy house. Unhappy slaves…uh…anyone ever heard of Toussaint Louverture? (now you know what the picture is about.) (I know, the riddles. I’m reading Angels and Demons.)

I don’t know why you mad at the slave reference. Americans have been enslaved to big business for decades–complexion irrelevant (20% wealthy-80% everybody else).

And doesn’t business need loyalty too? Disgruntled employees are no fun to talk to and they certainly don’t give a hot damn if their business sinks or swims–as long as they can get a severance or unemployment or something. Worse still if they don’t.



Furthermore, when we start treating our people, the people who make any business run– like disposable parts, that’s when the business we’re in is doomed to fail and/or ask for a government bailout. Radio One probably won’t qualify for one of those–unless Barack finds it hella important to poison the minds of young folk with “Kiss Me Through the Phone” 19 times an hour. Did I say poison? That’s hella harsh. My bad. Plus, it’s an insult to poison everywhere.



The point is, just because by way of tradition, a lot of corporate cultures suck rocks and treat their people like shit for folly doesn’t mean traditions can’t change. In fact, I believe this economic tidal wave we’re in is a sort of universal cleansing process for business. He/She who has the best people (internal and external) strategy wins. Which boils down entirely to good customer service.



We are all in this economic mess. We all got here together. We all helped get us here either passively or aggressively. Not all of us will get out. ENRON–NOT. The Bush’s–if they remain in hiding–probably will. Hillary made it. Who cares what Bill is doing. Radio One? The jury is still out. I guess it couldn’t hurt if they borrowed the customer service handbook from Apple. Or maybe just hire Grant. I’m sure he’s qualified. Plus iPhone does not have an iJail Break application…yet.



The moral of this story? As usual, I haven’t one. Just some food for thought. Thank you reading this though. If I were still at Radio One, I would pour some out for my homies who are no longer there. I don’t think I need to tho. I have a feeling all of my friends will be joining me soon in the good business evolution! Peace and Abundantly great customer service blessings!! -e-