I Am The Greatest!!!!!
I Am The Greatest!!!!!

I Am The Greatest!!!!!

Most people who say this out loud in front of other people are considered big gi-nor-mous assholes. In fact, when you first read the title, you were probably thinking the same thing. Mohammed Ali used to say it all the time, and during several key points in his career, he proved himself right.



I have a friend in Pheonix, Arizona who is a numerologist. His name is Jerome Carter. Whenever Jerome and I talk he tries to get me to not say things like “I’m tired” or “I am sucking at whatever” or “I am sick and tired of being nice to my daughter’s father because he makes me want to throw up in my mouth”. Jerome says that “I Am” and whatever comes out of one’s mouth afterward is actually some sort of spiritual link to the divine mind. For example, if you say “I am tired”, you are sending a message to the universe that you want more circumstances that will cause you to be more tired. If you say “I am the greatest.” You are sending a message to the universe that you want more circumstances that will cause you to be more great.



The idea of this principle is that words inevitably become thoughts and thoughts inevitably become things. Of course, no one really in tune with themselves wants to be considered an asshole. A lot of times folks misconstrue their confidence with arrogance and arrogant people tend to be annoying. I was thinking about this too. Is it possible that folks’ arrogance is annoying to us because we lack their confidence, no matter how whack we aren’t and they are at the time? Maybe?????!



I bring this up because I had a ureeka moment last night. I was reading an article on Common in Giant Magazine and Common was parlaying how he wanted to be one of the greatest actors of our time. I am a HUGE Common fan. I love the fact that he’s in movies. I love the span of his music career. I love the way he speaks and thinks and God only knows, when I interviewed him a while back, why I was not completely naked and bent over in his face. Sorry, that was a side bar.



Anyway, when I read Common’s words in the article, I thought of my friend Jerome’s take on “I Am”. Then I thought of Mohammed Ali and then Will Smith and Diddy and then these thoughts launched waves of thoughts of people who are the greatest (or at least they think they are the greatest) at what they do. Some are considered arrogant. All have a presence of greatness about them that attracts others to them to solidify the deal of their greatness. Right?



This is classic law of attraction principle. Like attracts like. Put out the right energy and more of it will come to you. Put out any other energy and more of it will come to you. I’m supposing in theory at least, it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks of you. All that matters is what you think of yourself. If you think you’re the greatest, so you shall be.



So why not. Say it with me. “I AM THE GREATEST!” Say it again. “I AM THE GREATEST!! Say it one more time for good measure. “I AM THE GREATEST! !! Add whatever to the end of it to seal the deal, like: “I AM ONE OF THE GREATEST TELEVISION TALK SHOW HOSTS OF OUR TIME!” Oh, that’s me!



If folks think you’re an asshole, tell them Common inspired it and Jerome Carter did the numbers on it and there’s no such thing as bad press. At least I got you talking about me. Ha!



The moral of this story? As ususal, I haven’t one. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and THE GREATEST Blessings. -e-