Dearest Richard;
You know, it took me more than a few days to figure out what I wanted to write about this week. I’ll be honest, too. I really, honestly could give two wooden nickels about American or International football. It’s not my sport. My sport is reading. And crafting crafts. And headstands of the yoga variety. And maybe growing stuff that doesn’t usually like Northeastern weather. I overstand that none of these things make billions of dollars for organized leagues and so they may not be considered “sport”. I also don’t care.
So. When I came across your story, Richard Sherman, Cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks and target for way too much social media ire; I was compelled to figure out what the fuss was about. I was compelled to care about football, its players and its fickle fans for more than passing amusement… and long enough to figure out why folk found their target in you. Turns out, in all my reading and sifting through other folk brain farts for the last several days, I still haven’t found the fuss. What exactly is the problem with a football player being excited about winning the game that leads to the Superbowl?! Isn’t the Superbowl like THEE biggest deal? I mean… not to throw salt in The Eagles wounds but uh… there are some teams with *ahem* no rings. We’ll assume getting to the Superbowl is an excitable fete and winning is something else entirely. Yes? K.
So when I saw the vid of you Richard, pouring some out (verbally) for the (non-)homies who weren’t there (read: going to the Superbowl). I really assumed that’s what all excited, amped up football player persons would do if they won the game that would take them to the big show everyone else wants to go to. Only two teams get to go to this Super Bowl thing, correct? Isn’t that what players play for? Besides salary? You guys play to win. Right? And when you succeed, shouldn’t you celebrate? I would have. In fact, there’s no telling if I wouldn’t right now, still be talking trash and doing the happy dance (to Happy, of course) and telling haters to drink my green juice, whilst doing headstands and such. I can’t say for sure, because like I said, Football taint my bag, but if I played football and was going to the Superbowl, the way you reacted Richard, would be the exact model for how I’d react. Faaarrrrrrrrk Yooooooouuuuuu!
Is that classy? I dunno. What does Miss Manners say about showing honest emotions during high stakes tourneys? Or in life in general? Are we still betting on the success of our representative that I’ve already asked you to kill en masse?
Is it arrogant? I dunno. Besides the two teams going this year, when was the last time somebody won the game that would take their team to the Superbowl? Last year you say? So you mean to tell me, you football player people muddle around over a ball all season to only have an opportunity to go to THEE SUPER BOWL once a year? Hmpf. I’d brag my ass off too.

Is it *gasp* thuggy? I dunno. What’s the definition of thuggy? What’s your definition Rich? Oh me? When I think of thuggy, I think of shady people who try to bully others into submitting to their will AND are willing to lie, cheat, steal and gun point and government shutdown folk into giving them their way–no matter who is hurt by their antics. So honestly, I think of Republicans every time. You?

Did your “I/WE won man!” excitement set Black folk back 500 years as Andre Iguodala suggests? Certainly no… and definitely no more than the thoughtless crap some folk watch and produce and perpetuate daily–without being anywhere near a Superbowl championship.

And you know what else Sir Richard? I’m bout tired of the barrage of racial slurs and common fuckery that happens knee jerk style, every single time a person of color wins. It’s always something taint it? They did it to Gabby Douglass because of her hair. They do it to Beyonce, Jay-Z and little Blue on so many levels, I just stopped paying attention. They do it to Kanye (even though I almost get it). They do it to PRESIDENT Barack Obama every flipping day and FIRST LADY Michelle. And you know what else King Richard, the folks who do it aren’t just black or white or blue with orange polka dots. They’re weird people who aren’t the good kind of weird. They’re just mostly wackadoodle complainers who like to berate people who are doing something they aren’t doing at the moment. Winning. And so instead of adding their hurrah to the lot, cause that would be pube-riding or something– They add racial slurs or hateful commentary or really just uninformed fuckery that makes them sound duuuuuuuuuumb.
And you know what else Emperor Richard? Black men get so much flack for so much stuff already. I too have to sift through news reports that read like every Black man and woman is either the bain of society or related to one. I’m told in some way every day that based entirely on my skin color and ancestry, there is something ugly and vicious about me. I’m told that WE are unmarryable and/or non-committal. I’m told that WE are lazy, shiftless, loud, angry, zealous, unworthy, jail bound, unemployable fools. I’m told that Black men specifically are to be feared– and they’re only good enough to be entertaining or to be locked up in cages. And so too many young Black men find themselves with 6 life sentences + 118 years in jail at the age of 15, even if no one gets hurt. Versus what happens to white males of the same age, who actually murder multiple people in cold, affluenzic blood. Doesn’t that make you wanna holla when you win Tzar Richard? When you catch that winning ball, doesn’t it make you want to holla as loud as you can at the news stories, the stupid statistics and the blatant and institutionalized racism that Black men (and women) face every day? Doesn’t it make you want to scream as loud as you can to the white woman with the mic in your face that YOU WON?! Nope, you taint in jail white woman clenching her purse at you in the form of her mic. NO. YOU WON! You are now an elite statistic! You’re going to the SUPERBOWL. YO. Doesn’t that make you want to yell like a crazy person?! I bet it does.
Because as a Black woman who grew up so-called privileged, it makes me want to yell for you, with you. In fact, I think I did just now. I’d like to say it’s racist, what happens when our people win, Baron Richard. I’d like to think that what we experience generationally would be neat, concise and fit comfortably in a box of something. But honestly Marquess Richard, all of it isn’t racism. Some of it is reverberations from slavery and then reconstruction. This idea from white folks that Black folks will never be good enough– and so Black folk spend their precious lives proving white folk wrong… while policing Black folk behavior in general. This idea that we must be “good enough” is a standard that doesn’t even carry a chart to compare ourselves to. So we use Martin and Madiba as our unspoken litmus tests for “good” behavior. I think. If this is truth tho, we’ll just say you confused folk when you went all Farrakhan on em. Cause Farrakhan isn’t on the “good Black person” list, you know. You aren’t Muslim too are you, Lord Richard?
I will also say Mr. Sherman– I can call you Mr. Sherman, can’t I? I wish you wouldn’t have apologized at all. You didn’t do anything wrong. I also think what folk are trying to do when they bring up your educational pedigree, is show that we pre-judge books and their covers. You’re a young Black man who showed all of your testosterone after you won the game that would take your team to the big show. Folk called you a “classless thug”. So other folk want to remind folk that you’re educated. And the argument works! I’ve talked to folk who had their fingers out and waving–“Why come he couldn’t handle himself “professionally”, blah, and blah. Then as soon as I say you graduated 2nd in your class with a 4.2 GPA and went to Stanford and have masters classes happening, I get, “Oh my, well… really?”
As I mentioned before Pharaoh Richard, WE have issues with wanting Black folk to be “good” and not rock the boat and not stand out too much and embarrass us and such. Cause too many of “the niglets” seem to be “out of control”… and so we’d like to assume you are an “out of control” “niglet” also. And then get confused when you’re not. Because you’re a brilliant, well read, thoughtful communicator who also gets loud and shows your honest emotions when you’re excited. Because you’re a whole person. Talk about folk with brains exploding. I will also like to say with every amount of emphasis, you don’t have to be pristine to have value. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I know these are some strange times WE live in, Saint Richard. I know they are. As a Black woman, a woman, a mother of a little Black girl, and a spirit living a very human incarnation on this planet; I get confused too. I look around at the world and the wackadoodles that sometimes fill the spaces of this Earth’s crust and get that side eye, and then wonder if my face will ever look completely straight again. I really do. I’m doing the side eye right now. But I want you to know, that you are good. You’re a brilliant, beautiful, talented, magnanimous, awesomely amazing soul. You are perfect in every way you show up. Your work is the stuff of Gods and don’t let anyone tell you different. I am so tired of people cutting down Black men in general, but most specifically when they win. It’s a disease of the grossest kind and it festers under all of our skin. If we aren’t careful, despite our best intentions, we start to believe it. We start to believe that even when we are more than good enough, it’s still not enough. And you know what Pope Richard Sherman? That is the biggest lie ever perpetuated by the system that would wish to keep Black men modern slaved up in modern slave facilities called the Industrial Prison Complex. Don’t believe the hype of that fuckery boo. But DO believe your own TRUTH. Oh yes, you are worthy. You are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy. You are awesome. If nobody told you today or ever, I’m telling you that you deserve everything you have and will have. The soul leaches will try to suck you dry, but don’t let them. Third eye to the grind at all times.

I will also say, every single time you win–if the spirit hits you–celebrate. In fact, even if you don’t “win”, you’re still winning because you are living a dream some people will never realize. It’s an honor to represent your ancestors in such a powerful way. Celebrate the awesome life you get to live every single day. If you feel like hollering at the camera when its in your face, yell as loud and for as long as your lungs will allow. Your voice is yours. Use it any way spirit guides you to. I will also say, King Pharaoh Lord Saint Sir Barron Marquess Pope Richard Kevin Sherman, no matter what happens at the Superbowl on February 2, 2014; please know that this non-giving-a-tartar-about-American-or-International-Football-arse, will be eyes peeled couchside. For the first time ever– I will be cheering for a team I could take or leave and honestly want to see them win. Go Seahawks! Go Richard! Keep Winning!
Osho Lovianhal (Light the Love in ALL) friend,