Some things are just meant to be. It seems like a disaster at the time. I swear it does. It seems like the siphoners have escalated their plot against you. They tried to steal your joy, your energy, your hope, your glow– and you foiled them. You ignored their perpetual bullshit and kept on path. Still. Stuff may have happened outside of the realm of said siphoners that caused you pause, but it didn’t throw you off course. Shit happens. You’ve evolved far enough along on your journey to know that “things don’t just happen–they happen just”.
So you keep high stepping. You have a plan. You have a clear vision of where you’re going and so little things tend not to bother you. You know now that you aren’t just an empty bag in the wind. You were designed for a divine right reason. You have work to do and you won’t stop, can’t stop until you get to where you’re going–no matter what the energy siphoners are doing.
So then, by force or by foul, these siphoners throw a big enough monkey wrench in your plans that you actually have to sit down for a second and figure a few things out. You actually have to ask out loud–“why is this happening again? THIS don’t make no kind of sense!” It comes at you from out of the blue. The scenario is more than just inconvenient. It’s down right retarded and ridiculous. Obscene even. Pointless.
What do you do? Do you throw up your hands and give up? Do you resolve to put your plans on the back burner until life settles down a bit? Or do you keep going anyway, knowing that things don’t happen just to happen–every single thing that makes its way into your life does so for your GREATEST good?
Sometimes, the surface of a thing, a situation or an experience looks pretty and rosy or even horrid and triflingly scary. But just under the surface of the lovely thing lies a terrible demon with pointy, gnashing teeth. And just under the surface of the horrid thing lies a portal to paradise. I depends, I suppose on how we choose to address a thing.
For example, I’m going through something so interestingly ridiculous, I caught myself actually laughing so hard my stomach hurt. Like with that snort thing that happens in between chuckles. The situation I’m facing is so petty and so–I don’t know any other word that fits but retarded. Now don’t get it twisted. What I’m going through–to the untrained eye– anyone would say daaaaaay-um girl! How you gonna make that work out? But to folk who truly know me and truly know what bricks I’m made up of, know how I’m looking at it. I don’t see travesty, I see a bonified, straight from the heavens, true to life blessing!!!
Honey. For yeeeeears I’ve been trying to find my way out of a no win scenario. For years, I’ve been agonizing over my seeming lack of choices in this particular situation and aching about it. I kept saying to myself “it’ll all work itself out”. And it never did. The negativity, toxicity and ridiculousness just kept escalating. Over nothing of consequence, mind you.
Every single time, out of nowhere, a melt down happens. You ever have a daily routine with somebody who is so unhappy and bitter about their life that they have to create stuff just to keep it interesting? Yeah, well, yeah. I could literally do nothing and some dumb thing would happen anyway. Because it was way more interesting to this person than just keeping with the program. The irony here is, as a partially evolved soul, I know that when you start to elevate your ray (your vibe, your outlook, your thinking), you can’t stay around negative, toxic people. You simply can’t. Those are the rules.
Ever hear the term “misery loves company”? Yeah, well that term didn’t manifest in a void. And when you know a thing, but stay waiting for that thing to change–doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result–that’s called insanity. By now, I’m certifiable. It’s ironic because knowing what I know and staying with the program–means that I’ve been giving all the negative scenarios that have happened my Envy McKee seal of approval.
Stay with me. The lot of us find comfort in being victims. So and so did this to me. So and so did that to me. I can’t leave because of X.Y.Z. I have to stay in this job because I won’t find another–the economy. My life sucks because of P.D.Q. We find all kinds of ways to blame every negative circumstance we may be facing on any possible person, place, or thing outside of ourselves. Mostly because it’s easier than taking responsibility for our part in it. Mostly because we take the stance that the “evil we know” has got to be better than the “evil we don’t know”. Which basically boils down to our fear of taking a few steps outside of our comfort zone. “I’m here.” We say to ourselves. So what if we’re miserable. “I’m here.”
The problem with the “I’m here.” mind frame is that we’re under the impression that our lives are supposed to stay the same forever and ever Amen. They’re not. Change happens every single day for every kind of reason AND it’s supposed to. Change is a part of the evolution process. Change is a part of the growth process. If we weren’t meant to change– if circumstances weren’t meant to change– if we weren’t meant to blaze trails in our own lives– life wouldn’t even be a possibility. Sperm would never have met egg. Egg would have never met womb. Embryo would have never evolved into the life you hold as your own right now. If constant change didn’t happen, you would never have been born. You wouldn’t be reading this post right now.
Welcoming change in our lives is paramount to living our most #awesome!!! vibrant lives. Being open to the possibilities that make their way to us is how we stay on path to living our truest potential. The biggest killer of dreams in my opinion is our desperation to stay the same. Our fear of growth. Our inability to step out of our comfort zone and be open to what happens next–no matter what it looks like.
I’ve discovered that sometimes the most seemingly horrible things happen–by force or by foul– to shake us up to the point of acceptance. When you think you have no choice and you live your life like you have no choice and something happens that forces you to do what you didn’t want to choose to do on your own–then what? You may be yelling at the wall about how unfair and rotten the circumstance may have been, how victimized you are, how the world is against you–but you know full well you wouldn’t have done whatever it was had “the universe” not set the cause in motion for you. It had to be done and so it was. You made the choice–to stay stuck or keep moving forward–to change.
This is the part of this post where I tell you, my dears, that you hold all the cards in your life. You have all the power. You hold all the keys. Your life is where it is because this is the moment that you make the choice to move and work toward your divine best self or stay stuck fighting the change that’s going to happen for you anyway. You can evolve with your boxing gloves on perpetually, or you can evolve with ease and grace–by way of acceptance.
Accepting that whatever the circumstances–a lesson comes from it that is designed to make you greater. Accepting that everything is FOR you and no thing is against you. Accepting that “no ‘weapon’ formed ‘against’ you shall prosper”. There are no weapons. There are no lions in your way, only angels and abundant blessings. We create every single circumstance we face. We attract to us what and who we are. When we’re ready to evolve past where we are–we create the divine right circumstance to make it happen. To lead our way to growth. To help us in our “becoming”. To lead us out of helplessness and into our purpose. To remove us from our “victim consciousness” –as Dr. Beckwith has been known to say– and into our “manifest destiny”.
Every single thing happens for a reason. Even if the timing sucks. We can learn to watch and be open as life unfolds for us, or we can stay the consummate victim and thus–stay infinitely miserable. We can learn to rejoice when life forces it’s hand a bit to get us to step outside of our comfort zone or we can sit in a corner and sulk about it. You’ve always had a choice. You’ve always had your own personal navigation system divinely guiding you where you need to go. Where you’re DESIGNED to go. Change is your friend. Just go with it and watch the magic–the adventure of your life unfold for you.
The moral of this story? No rightly idea. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and abundant “there are no lions in your way, only angels…” Love, -e-