The Stellar Trilogy, Book 3: Light of the War “Dear Reader”
The Stellar Trilogy, Book 3: Light of the War “Dear Reader”

The Stellar Trilogy, Book 3: Light of the War “Dear Reader”

Book 3: Light of the war, "Dear reader"

The top of one mountain is always the bottom of another .
Marianne Williamson

Dear Reader:

By now, if you’ve journeyed through this series so far, you have a clue that The Stellar Trilogy represents a spiritual journey in SOUL-Fi skin. Book 1: Among Us is about catching the vision of the life we’re designed to live. It can feel at first like a kick in the teeth. Someone or something unexpected shows up to shake our world apart at the foundation. And then we’re stuck with two vital choices. Be all bent out of shape about the changes that are already happening, or suck it up and adjust. Life is going to have its way with us anyway. Our only true choice is to strap in and trust the ride is taking us somewhere fabulous. Or at least, important for our unfoldment. Eventually. But as Kai discovers in Book 2: Awake, the catching the vision part of the journey is hollow. It shows us the blueprint of the life we’re designed to live, but it’s not our life. We have to fill in the blanks. We have to acquire the tools and skills necessary to build the building. We have to take 100% ownership of and do most of the heavy lifting for our labor of LOVE. Living Our Vision Every day. Turns out, the heaviest of the heavy lifting is about facing ourselves.

Sometimes the facing is pleasurable. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes we haven’t even the foggiest idea what we’re looking at. Sometimes we know exactly what we’re looking at, but we’re just *not ready to deal with it. So we run or anesthetize ourselves. Because, discomfort. Kai learns, as we all will eventually, we’re here on assignment and we will fulfill our assignment before we leave here. Even if we’d rather not. Rev. Julie Moret of Agape International Spiritual Center said in a talk, “Your only job here is to clarify, activate and disseminate the gifts within…it is your obligation to humanity.” Obligation indeed.


It may even come to be a joy and a pleasure to live the lives we were born to live. It’s all about perspective really, isn’t it? So that’s where the series left off and how we came squarely to face Book 3: Light of the War. This leg of the story is much different than the other two because the crux of this part of Kai’s journey is now living up to her awesome self. We’ve all been there. We’ve seen the grand version of ourselves and believed the hype, even for a moment, only to suffer from a version of buyer’s remorse. “Oh, I’m supposed to keep evolving now? But I worked so hard to get here. Can’t I just chill and be normal now?” Then, of course, as we venture up the ladder of personal success, we start comparing ourselves to the people we know who are seemingly more successful or better at something than we are. That then becomes our excuse to cower back into the littleness we’re used to.  Michael Bernard Beckwith, also of Agape International says, “If you argue for your limitations, they will be yours. If you argue for your expanded nature, it will be yours. Win the argument of expansion. Set your soul free.”


We’re always growing. Even when we think we’ve reached the pinnacle of our evolution; another unfoldment is underway. The universe is unlimited and so are we. Besides, anything that ain’t growing is soil. Mind. Blown.


The question I’ve been asked most of all since I began this series is if Book 3: Light of the War is the actual end of The Stellar Trilogy. It is the end of this trilogy, but it isn’t the end of Kai’s story. I look at The Stellar Trilogy as the set up for something far greater. Let’s say I signed a contract with myself to write the first three. I had no idea


where this journey would take me. I just wanted to finish something really big, long term and seemingly impossible. Just to see if I could. But what had happened was, I opened up a whole big can of worms in the process. The end of this trilogy, is actually the beginning of The Stellar Universe series to come. There is so much more to explore in Kai and her growing family, the Stai and all of the new and old characters we’ve met so far in the journey. This story in particular, has taught me that there are no insignificant characters. Just because somebody goes away, doesn’t mean their story is over. I continued writing this series because I wanted to see how the story ended. I’ve learned that the story never really ends, it only keeps beginning.


It has been the most humbling of joys to challenge my limitations through writing Kai’s story, while continuing to unfold my soul with Kai and with you. With every book in The Stellar Universe I complete, I feel lighter, as though these books are a series of ornate tiles designed to populate a grand spiritual floor. Every story I finish feels like placing a tile in its rightful place. And while the floor is truly infinite, I’m not here to tile the whole floor. Just my little part. Right now, just three teeny tiles. But they’re there. I am honored that you continue to take this journey with me and I look forward to sharing new lessons of The Stellar variety when the time comes.


Lovianhal Friends,




May 6, 2015

The Pyramid Gardens, Rooftop Earth


In first reading this book, I was instantly intrigued by the words that were flowing down each page. Never have I ever jumped head first into a book and planted myself in the main character's body like I did with Kai. I found so much of myself in her character that I was even thinking her thoughts and asking the same questions as she was in the book. I would ponder each move like it was happening to me in my real life. That is how Envy made you feel while reading this book. She pulls you in and you are completely captivated. As I approached the end, I knew I would be left thirsting for more and I know that Envy McKee will deliver!!! This book is a brilliant! A work of art!!! Needs to be in your collection! You will not be sorry by this purchase but feeling like wanting more!!! FIVE STARS
Imani F.
verified purchase