Fanning the Fires of Racial Hatred

I spend a lot of time flipping through news sites and political blogs for general entertainment purposes, show prep and to have good information to share with my FB friends, fans and folks who read my blog. Last night I did a very bad thing. I googled “racist, republicans”. Why did I do that? Not a whole lot takes me off my square nowadays. I’ve seen enough in my young old age to have become seasoned enough to not let a whole lot surprise me. Tickle me enough to poke fun of? Yes. Agitate me enough to poke fun of? Absolutely. But down right enrage me to the point of wanting to break something I would miss? Hardly and never.


Perusing through the “internets” as George W. successfully coined our world wide web of information, I was literally dragged by my hair off my square. The ignorance and hatred swarming around people like so many angry bees. It’s a sin. If I didn’t understand what is at the root of it, I would be Malcolm X mad. Instead, what’s settled in my spirit is sadness.


I’m saddened that so many people are so confused by what they allow to come out of their mouths, report as news and write in blogs. They call it “fighting for the American way”, but what it looks like in reality is holding on to that “old white way”. It looks a lot like so many people are holding on to the notion that the only people in the world equipped to lead a nation to prosperity are people of a certain complexion or so-called race. Funny how it’s the same “old white way” that got this country into the financial predicament we’re in now. But that’s cool to those people. I believe that Health Care Reform would be a non-issue if it weren’t Barack Obama putting said legislation in the history books circa 2010.


I’m saddened that so many people– so many human beings– are so un-evolved in spirit that they believe somehow the amount of melanin in someone’s skin or a political party affiliation or how much money someone has in their bank account or someone’s country of origin or someone’s religious affiliation makes a human being more or less of a human being if the above things are different than their own.


It saddens me that people have no real idea of how connected we all are. It saddens me further that basic human decency is so far from being a part of the brain capacity of these people. It’s ignorance, sure. But it’s also something else. It’s a disease.


Hatred is a disease. It’s like rabies. It infects, festers and spreads, causing folks to spit out this horrible hate foam from mouths connected to ignorant minds. The things they say don’t even make any sense. It’s just foam, stuff, fluff. If they laid it all out on a table, and someone were to blow on it, it would disintegrate into nothing. But there are so many people foaming at the mouth with this ugliness, the table is full.


What makes it all worse, there are *cough* reputable news outlets using their airwaves and Internet sites as safe havens for it. This ugliness. This ignorance. This pathetic “last stand” for the “old white way”.


For so long, people with melanin have been the backs that the “old white way” built wealth and nations upon. And now the “old white way” has become obsolete, replaced with a world view that is based on true common sense and compassion for all human beings. If it is not now, that’s where the world is headed.


It must be scary for some people. People who spent the better part of their collective lives feeling superior for no reason other than they told themselves they were, to be faced with the jarring reality that they are actually as human as every other human being on the planet. It must be a painful kick to the solar plexus to have one’s brain filled with such egomaniacal nonsense for so long, and to finally be given a mirror to see who they actually are. An utterly non-superior human being. HUMAN. Fallible, incoherent, oblivious to truth, vicious when faced with opposing and better view points, rabid, vile, greedy, nonsensical, not trustworthy, petty, immature, lemming-like and common.


For so long, not having to use one’s brain cells in a creative, spiritual way that benefits The All, has left a large group of people mentally, spiritually, morally, critical thinking-ly and intellectually destitute. It shows in their un-evolved behavior and a collective ego that is the intellectual equivalent of “Custer’s Last Stand”. It shows in how they are NOT prepared or equipped to handle the world we all belong to now. A world that continues to grow, evolve and find a sense of wholeness and balance, while they continue to rehash long passed superiority complexes.


I read a quote today. I have no idea who’s quote it actually is, and I suppose it’s not really that important. But this is what’s on the minds of far too many folk:


“This is still America… freedom of speech and thought is still allowed… for now any ways… and the last time i checked I was a good ole southern boy… and if yur ass is black don’t let the sun set on it in a southern town…”



Yeah. Some folks are still there. It’s got to stop. At some point, it will. It’s just sad that it’s not today.


“The chain reaction of evil – hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars – must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.



The moral of this story? Not one single clue. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and abundant blessings. Love, -e-