Rule Yourself. Part 1


It has come to my attention. That. Well. At least one whole percent of the human population is so far gone, so rabid, so vile, so corrupt, so sick with a disease, an incurable disease that possibly the only way we may actually be able to save the planet from whatever we’re on the threshold of, *takes breath* is to literally quarantine the afflicted… AND either light a match…………. or leave them to themselves (in quarantine) to, well, their own divisiveness.


Of course, once we deal with “them”, then we’ll have to deal with the psychotic, brainwashed types who unfortunately got hold of “the disease” by way of rhetorical transfusion. I don’t know if there is a strong enough Kool-aid to be made to reverse the inherent brain damage that has already been done to so many via Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bauchman, Anne Vulture *giggle*, Glenn Beck, etc. etc., etc. We may have to round them up into quarantine as well.


Not unlike what they did in that movie Quarantine where some biologically unsound flesh eating, zombie creating virus got loose in an apartment building and however inhumane it seemed to keep the folk stuck in that building with that zombie creating virus lurking around every corner–with no hope for cure and a certain fate. Keeping a dozen or so folk quarantined seemed like a far better option that a worldwide flesh eating zombie epidemic. And so here we are.


Now you want to know what in the hell I’m talking about don’t you? What in the world could be so flesh eating and zombie creating outside of a horror film to inhabit the bodies of maybe, could be, almost decent people and turn their brains into mush and their actions into all consuming people (and everything in between) eating predators? *raises hand fervently* Ooh, ooh, ooh! I know! I know! Greed. Rather, GREED.


I’ve discovered on infallible authority that GREED is an actual disease. In fact, it is a virus so powerful that it makes AIDS look like a spring cough. It creates in (maybe) normally decent human beings the propensity to morph into flesh eating zombies who care not what they consume, who they hurt, why they hurt them, nor the outcome of said hurt. So long as they get what they’re after. What they’re after may vary from zombie to zombie. But what does that matter? It causes people to murder, rape, pillage, plunder and destroy, in order to have their fix. In this case the fix is the rush they get from consuming, getting, winning, acquiring more and more and more and more.


Just like any virus, they don’t care. It’s beyond them. They won’t stop until they literally kill their host and in which case, they’ll die too, but so what?


Who are these people walking the streets with us, rabid with the GREED disease? Look no further than Wall Street, politics, CEO’s of really big business, the vultures in foreclosure real estate, the vultures is regular real estate, most of the entertainment industry, Big pharma, healthcare, big religion, the entire legal system, the Kardashians, etc., etc. and what have you.


It’s so funny looking now at the financial crisis we’ve been muddling through and can finally put smug faces to the names of all involved.  These people we look to with reverence. These people we have glorified because of all they have acquired.


If you look around, not even really that carefully, you’ll see it. You’ll hear it. You can even smell it on them. It all looks like death, it sounds like death and yes, it smells all too closely like rotting flesh.


These people who are supposed to be so great and powerful are nothing more than afflicted zombies. They’re no better than Joe gambler who spends his entire bi weekly check at his casino of choice and then blames the Casino for existing. Joe Gambler, yes, he has a certified problem, an addiction–a disease. But while Joe Gambler may lose his car, his house, his family and his livelihood. The casino didn’t glue Joe’s butt to a seat at the Blackjack table or a “Sex & The City” slot machine. Joe fucked HIS life up because Joe went out unprotected. Joe caught the GREED Disease by way of the casino, who is run by who class? Yes.


When you’re dealing with Winthrop Wellington III, State Representative/Senator/Governor/President Creationism and/or Jackass , the CEO of Bullshit, Inc., Rev. Kool-Aid or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (who happen to represent a media soundbite from any variety of sources) suddenly the stakes are much, much, much higher.


When the above people and their actuality catch the GREED Disease, it’s not THEIR home or car or family or livelihood that’s at stake. It’s the homes, cars, families and livelihoods of millions and millions and millions of people around the world. And should these GREED-infested zombies fuck up ALL the money of all the uninfected, trusting, hard working people– the GREED zombie lives don’t change. Nor do they care that millions and millions and millions of people lose EVERYTHING or die or both.


As Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah made very clear, “if you’re poor and we stole all the little you had, and now you’re living in the streets because some bank stole your home, you still need to do more to fix the economy. The rich have done enough.”


Why yes, they have.


Currently, my friends, we live in what’s called a plutocracy. No, not a democracy. A PLUTOCRACY. Like Pluto– that teeny tiny furthermost once believed to be the ninth planet from the Sun, but then was recategorized due to recent discoveries and is now considered the largest dwarf planet—which doesn’t really clarify anything for me about Pluto. Except that I think the word Plutocracy is a pun that pokes fun of a population about the size of a dwarf planet runs a population 99% bigger than it. Made possible by the often numbed 99% of said populace. Fair? This isn’t about fair. This is about choice. This is about information over ignorance. This is about waking the fffffff up versus living out our daily lives while obviously deep in sleep. Finally. Who cares if Diddy now has a line of headphones?! He’s a GREED zombie like the rest of them. Quarantine!!!! There, I said it.


To all of this, I say to you. Emphatically.  RULE YOURSELF. If you aren’t completely insane, these words make perfect sense to you and are hitting you in the head like a wake up boulder. Rule yourself. And not in the way that the tea baggers have concocted. Not in some riotous, anarchic, dare I say, ignorant and retarded way that some post apocalyptic movie or video game has taught you. Rule yourself in the way that you were designed to. Being lead by a spirit of kindness, consciousness, compassion and integrity. Holding yourself to a standard of the golden rule. Being lead by your divine right purpose.


Greed is darkness. Period. The only way to destroy it is to expose it to light. Violence begets more violence. Ignorance stays ignorant to ignorance. But light transmutes all darkness to light. MLK knew this. Ghandi knew this. So many great thinkers and leaders knew this. Franklin D. Roosevelt knew this. It is why he created the Second Bill of Rights which stated:


We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all – regardless of station, race, or creed. Among these are:

Opportunity:The right to a useful and remunerative job…The right to a good education.The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies…

Security:The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.The right of every family to a decent home.The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation.

FDR said these things in 1944. Perhaps he knew the GREED Zombies were getting restless and gaining ground and he hoped to put into law a really good plan to keep them at bay. Quarantine them.  Unfortunately,  FDR died before he could bring his plan to pass. Of course, the GREED Zombies have since taken over. Running rampant.  Imagine the movie Quarantine, only in a much, much bigger apartment building. With the likes of Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Orrin Hatch, Glenn Beck and the “Tea Party” as their spokespersons. *shivers* Welcome to hell.


The moral of this story? No idea. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and abundant “GREED disease free” blessings. Love, -e-