Bitching Don’t Work Anyway

My name is Envy McKee and I’m a chronic media bitcher. I don’t know if that’s the technical term or the slang, but whatever it is, I’m admitting it in front of you–my support group– and I’m atoning for not being more proactive by bitching less and doing more.


It’s funny. A few weeks ago, I was speaking with one of my web designers about the things that tick me off about the media. My beef in that particular conversation was that every time I turn on the TV, I’m compelled to count how many people of color I see hosting or acting or acting like they’re hosting. And then I count in my minds eye how many people I don’t need to see behind the scenes because they aren’t there (Producers, Camera folk, stylists, make up, etc. and what have you). And so Sven asked me simply, “What can be done about it”? I started to answer and then something in my spirit jolted and the truth came tumbling out. “I really don’t know”, I said. He responded, “It will be a great day when you no longer have to count.” Yes. It will.


For my part, I am a producer, who’s not really producing anything that contributes to the outcome I want to see in the media world. It don’t matter if folk ain’t watching (or listening), right? I’m an idea developer who’s not pushing the ideas that contribute to the outcome I want to see in media. I’m a media personality who’s relying the entire future I want to see not only for my daughter, but for your daughters and sons on the fact that I can bitch more cleverer than most anybody I know. The thing is, bitching may be cute and compelling and what not, but it doesn’t rally the world into action. Action rallies the world into action. Even if it’s just one block in Philadelphia. One block CAN change the world… in a way that brings people into the fold of a grand vision… and that in itself is tangible enough for all of us to hold.


I’ve decided to mend my bitching ways because I’ve come to the conclusion that bitching might make me feel better at the time, but it certainly ain’t never changed a thing that needs changing. How has any one’s bitching ever improved any one’s quality of life? Right. It never has. Even Gandhi starved himself to get folks to pay attention.


To be sure, I have no real intention of starving myself.The outcome never plays out the way folk hope–except for Gandhi– because he didn’t care how he looked in his jeans. Mostly because he didn’t wear jeans– Only home spun fabric around his jewels–not my style. Besides, I think eating serves me better than withering away to make a point. But–what about challenging myself to my personal limits to make a point? What about running for my life and charity and a bigger chunk of my self worth–and by default–a bigger chunk of all of our self worth?! What about contributing to the improvement of everybody on this planet’s way of life?


It’s a fact that when (evolved)people of color make their way into positions of power, they bring other people of color into the fold as well. Isn’t it weird that most folk without melanin in media don’t think to diversify their teams as well? My vision for the future of media is that the “one color” monopoly both in front of and behind “the screens” go away for good. Where folks who share a common goal can work together on awesome projects and color becomes irrelevant to excellence–and we stop this bullshit segregating, aka The Jim Crow Current Media Still and it Sucks Thanks.


With that said, I suppose I can make it official, official that I have made present plans to run the New York City Marathon this fall–November 7, 2010. I’ve already started training, which has been a unique and special challenge, but I’ve been diligent. So diligent that those of you in my inner circle and know my special fondness for “cloves” know that my love affair with them ended officially on the day I started training–4 weeks ago. Yeah, I know. I didn’t say anything before because I wanted to make sure I was successful this time before I went around bragging like I did last time. Turns out the key to quitting smoking cold turkey is to begin training for a marathon the same day. Who knew? In a few weeks you’ll begin to share the journey with me as I begin to post weekly video blogs of the behind the scenes of my training process–which isn’t pretty right now. But it is.


My New York Marathon Manifesto is just one part of a really big deal that I’m inviting you all to be a part of. A wise person once said, opinions are like assholes, every one’s got one. Unfortunately, media in general has become one big gigantic asshole and the person who makes the most division in their bitching and builds the most “stunk up” base, gets paid the most. The theme here is that it stinks.


I’ve decided that my heaven isn’t a bed of money built on the backs and minds of people I actually care about and want to see win. My heaven is living on this Earth and contributing in the ways I can to be the change I want to see in the world. The trick is, I can’t change the world if I am unwilling to change MY SELF.


I’d rather ask the question Sven asked me: “What can be done?” I have no idea HOW I’m going to finish the NYC Marathon, because I’m barely running 6 miles straight right now and I’ve got 20.2 left to get to. I also have no concrete idea HOW my running the marathon is contributing to my grand vision. I just know it’s something I have to do. Sometimes when we stop “knowing” the answer, we manifest miracles. You with me? Great. I knew you would be. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.


The moral of this story? That’s easy. Bitching don’t work anyway. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and abundant blessings. Love, -e-