Public Service Announcment: Don’t Mess With Texas AND Don’t Expect an Obama Presidential Address in YOUR Child’s Classroom on Tuesday

The applause was deafening. Without even straining, you could hear the hoopla from miles around. It seemed to come from the heavens and lain on us like blankets. Finally! That change and hope we desperately craved had been handed to us on a silver platter in the form of a brown colored man, with a few fancy degrees, a brilliant mind and the power of persuasion that could melt butter on a bagel. He, the second (or third, maybe fourth coming) of critical thinking, intelligence, good reasoning, became our God. And we worship him in the name of all that is smart and logical in us. We put our fists up to him in hopes that our dying mind won’t wilt from the former state of Texas’ mind-numbing influence on our once defunct common sense. Let us all say our praises in unison to our fearless smart people cult leader: Obama!–Excerpt from ‘Obama Our Cult Leader’ by Envy McKee, published on RepublicansAreStupid Press, 2009



Fast forward to roughly an hour ago when an article was posted on the AFP about the literal retardedness of some parents, teachers, and administrators of “conservative” mind waves who are yanking their impressionable children out of class for fear of a mass brain washing initiative by a supposed liberal “demagogue” to indoctrinate our youth with his socialist agenda. Huh?


First of all, give me a break. Demagogue. Really? I believe a brief history lesson is in order here. There will be no blonde moments in this here post. If we understand the true nature of demagoguery, as was applied in ancient Greek literature (popularized by satire ). To be a demagogue is to use a strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist, populist or religious themes. (I got that exact definition from Wikipedia). Oh, I get it! Like Hitler and his “ethnic cleansings”! Oh! and like Geoge Bush and Dick Cheyney and 9/11! Uh huh. I see.


So, to use religious, nationalist, populist themes, fear mongering, and that “we’re American” bullshit that really reads to understanding ears “we’re white” is an actual political strategy? Hmmm. A strategy that Presidents of administrations past have used repeatedly to gain and sustain power and rob this country blind AND stay out of jail? Really?


And what is it exactly about a Presidential speech that encourages our young people who are up against a 50% drop out rate to stay in school and work hard to achieve their goals that makes Obama a supposed demagogue or the leader of “the socialist cult of Obama”? (Not my words folks). There is actual uproar behind it. There are actual parents complaining. There are actual administrators who will have no Obama education address in their schools. Obama has offically been censored by right wing hicks around this country. Some of them are Republican. Most of them are just stupid…and maybe from Texas.


I’m wondering about the reason for this completely erratic uproar because American school aged children seem to be in a perpetual state of critical thinking paralysis (as well as excel in educational deficiencies across the board! Hooray for stupid people!). Why shouldn’t they be, particularly when the students in question seem to have fucked up priorities (PlayStation over Prometheus)– passed down to them by their fucked up parents (book burners, creationists), mind you.


If you feel my reasoning needs back up, all you have to do is look at the headlines, perpetuated by right wing nut-so’s who fill town hall meetings with nonsensical ideas that Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have sucker punched into their dim bulb, brain dead heads about Health Care Reform and now, a Presidential classroom speech. *sigh* It’s enough to make me wanna holla. But I won’t because I am forced to consider the source.


Okay so, we may all not agree with everything any President says or does in his term. Listening to George Bush say anything for the last 8 years was like listening to the announcer at the 3 ring Circus, spittle on about whatever comes to mind (insert laugh track here). I listened to him though and I laughed a hearty laugh and then I wrote a “News Ass” about him and watched Bill Maher give him the business afterward.


But since when do we as grown ups have the right to deny our children the opportunity to think for themselves about issues that will one day effect and affect them? Since when do we deny children a speech about doing well in school? Since when do we not listen for fear of what we might hear? It seems to me that when George Bush announced a speech we would plug our ears and run for the mountains to shield ourselves from being influenced by his utter *ugh*. “W” was the stupidest and most damaging President ever, but we’re cool with that. Instead, we shun the smart dude who’s actually doing something? The one who is actually working to give us what WE said we wanted. Good health care, good schools, and a thriving economy???


This makes sense to some people? Really? Particularly when the President of The United States is the single most influential leader in this country? I’m thinking a George Bush Presidential address to students would be mandatory. Even if the only thing he could encourage children to do by way of school is ” edu-ma-cate there-selves cause are chilren are are foo-ture”. What can I say? Don’t mess with Texas?


Clearly, an actual educated President who thrived in school and achieved an advanced degree, who came from humble beginnings and made his way to the highest post of this country without a billionaire daddy to pave his way, would have more to offer the young folk who would listen, right? Surely, that address should be mandatory too. Right? Well guess what? It’s not.


I know, I know, emotion in some people trumps all logic. Most students are addicted to PlayStation because they literally aren’t being introduced to Prometheus in school and the fact that we actually have an educated President in the White House is disconcerting to a lot of people who preferred the dim-witted buffoonery of past administrations because those idiots didn’t challenge them to be the best they could be. They told them that their ignorance was glorious and it was. Because the ignorance of the masses kept the buffoonery going in the White House and kept big business very big and left the masses even more poor than when they started. Good Times!


And so now, the heat is on. “Oh No! Obama–that Colored man, who is not American can not possibly tell our children to stay in school and educate themselves. Education is the devil! Look what education does for people. They think clearer. They ask better questions. They can think for themselves. OMG blasphemy! *gasp* They stop listening to God’s reason as told by Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. This is a travesty! What could be next??? Critical Thinking????! My child will do no such thing. My father was no critical thinker and he turned out just fine. Even though he lives in his car.”


My good people, this isn’t just about perpetual ignorance. This is about a cycle of ignorance based on a prejudice that has no relevance except that some people are too lazy to think for themselves. They’re emotional about shit that a simple google search would clear up and they’re holding on to an ancient ideology that American is synonymous with “white right”.


The truth of the universe is the THE WORLD is changing. That’s right. THE WORLD. Not just America. The days of the “white right” are over. It’s just plain “what is right is right” now and not that “right wing, evangelical” mumbo jumbo. No matter who your “daddy” is and what your psycho belief system says about people of color says, the world and this country are changing and it will continue to do so with or without your contribution. Sorry.


What WILL happen is that all the colored you despise so much will eventually get the education memo and leave your simple ideologies and your respective offspring in the dust. And then what? Exactly. Good luck with that! Oooh! Ooooh! I know, you all can move to the now defecting Texas and then it really will be the ‘Village of Idiots’ circa, George Bush. We won’t mind, you’ll be your own country anyway. I promise not to visit. Wooooow! Do you hear that? Uh huh. The applause is deafening…


The moral of this story? No idea. Just some food for thought. Make sure you subscribe to my blog so you can have my newest and freshest posts right in your mailbox as they become available. Thank you for reading this! Peace and abundant “idiocy free” blessings!
