What is Soul-fi?
It’s Sci-Fi or metaphysical fiction that feeds your soul. And it all started with a few pages in a red journal…

The stellar trilogy, Book 1: among us
Dear Reader:
“There are four questions of value in life… What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.” ~Don Juan de Marco
Kai is you. We might as well get that tidbit out of the way now. Kai is you. Knowing this doesn’t take anything from the story. It actually adds to it. It’s all about self- discovery. From the very first page, see this story as your own biography, but through fresh eyes. Don’t get caught up in gender or different languages. Just feel your way through it as Kai does. The life metaphors are all there.
I will say, this book has been a journey of self- discovery for me as well. It all started with a few paragraphs scribbled in one of my red journals yeeeeears ago. Then one random day in 2008, I read those paragraphs to a dear friend who told me, with every amount of emphasis, this book MUST be written. I laughed at him. At first. But then I kind of played with the idea of writing it, until finally, I sat down to write it.
Over the course of many months, I wrote chapters. After I finished one or two I would call him and read them to him. Before I knew it, it was finished. My very first book. But at the time, I was really new in my own personal journey of self-discovery and most of the metaphors and themes in this book didn’t make much sense to me. It’s fair to say, at the time, they scared the living crap out of me. I didn’t feel like these ideas were mine, so I didn’t have a lot of confidence that this book was any more than something to do because a dear friend suggested it.
I will say, I circulated the first draft around to a few friends and publishers, but after about a dozen rejections and “WTF”s, I had the good sense to tuck it away on my hard drive, until I was good and ready to revisit it again with a clearer understanding and passion for it. That didn’t happen until 2010.
The stellar trilogy, Book 2: awake
Dear Reader,
Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love?’ These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will be many fruits, here in this world and the life to come. ~Henri Nouwen
A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. ~ Maya Angelou
There are some works that simply take over. When I first sat down to write The Stellar Trilogy, Book 1: Among Us, I had roughly zero idea it would have the kind of impact in people’s lives that it has. I hoped that it would. My main mission is to be a beneficial presence on this planet. I want to inspire people to be as conscious, creative, kind, generous, thoughtful, individual and wonderful as they are rich. I’m here to encourage people to activate their inner superhero. Which is funny to say out loud when I can still vividly remember being petrified of my first book when I finished it. I tell the whole sordid ordeal in the Dear Reader section of Book 1. I was PETRIFIED that people would think that I was crazy for daring to write something that questions everything– and in my own unique way. But that’s what we are here for right? To tell the world what we think in a way only we can? It sounds good. But for so many of us, being different, being “other” is painful enough. We have no real interest in being vocal about it too.
This is the theme that Kai faces since this series beginning. I’m positive that it will continue until the series ends and whichever spinoff series happen. This idea of being “other”, of being considered the fringe or grey matter is powerful, but only if we are willing to harness the power of our unique, individual gifts. Right now, the concept of being “other” is scary because too many of WE of the “other” variety have been silent. We’ve wanted so desperately to fit in. We’ve been so scared to be ridiculed or bullied or treated as less than. We’ve been afraid of our own skin, hair, ideas, thoughts, dreams, missions, passions and purposes. We’ve stood on the sidelines and watched the “mainstream” dictate what our power looks like. We’ve devalued ourselves because somebody at some time told us that we don’t matter. Somebody said that it’s impossible to do what we’re here for because (name your reason here). The thing is, there is nobody that can and will ever do what we can and came to this planet to do. We’re here for a reason. We live to fulfill a mission, just like Kai. One of the main themes that Kai tackles in this book is coming to grips with her “why”. She figured out her “what” in Book 1. She’s here to balance The Entwine (in one lifetime) and return her father to their people, yes? But why is she here? Why does any of what she’s here to do make even a teeny bit of a difference to anybody at all? A funny thing happens when you ask the right questions. The most interesting thing that happens is you figure out the answer to every single question you can possible ask is L.O.V.E. Kai learns this in every way she is designed to… as a jump off point.

the stellar trilogy, Book 3: Light of the War
Dear Reader,
The top of one mountain is always the bottom of another.
Marianne Williamson
By now, if you’ve journeyed through this series so far, you have a clue that The Stellar Trilogy represents a spiritual journey in SOUL-Fi skin. Book 1: Among Us is about catching the vision of the life we’re designed to live. It can feel at first like a kick in the teeth. Someone or something unexpected shows up to shake our world apart at the foundation. And then we’re stuck with two vital choices. Be all bent out of shape about the changes that are already happening, or suck it up and adjust. Life is going to have its way with us anyway. Our only true choice is to strap in and trust the ride is taking us somewhere fabulous. Or at least, important for our unfoldment. Eventually. But as Kai discovers in Book 2: Awake, the catching the vision part of the journey is hollow. It shows us the blueprint of the life we’re designed to live, but it’s not our life. We have to fill in the blanks. We have to acquire the tools and skills necessary to build the building. We have to take 100% ownership of and do most of the heavy lifting for our labor of LOVE. Living Our Vision Every day. Turns out, the heaviest of the heavy lifting is about facing ourselves.
Sometimes the facing is pleasurable. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes we haven’t even the foggiest idea what we’re looking at. Sometimes we know exactly what we’re looking at, but we’re just *not ready to deal with it. So we run or anesthetize ourselves. Because, discomfort. Kai learns, as we all will eventually, we’re here on assignment and we will fulfill our assignment before we leave here. Even if we’d rather not. Rev. Julie Moret of Agape International Spiritual Center said in a talk, “Your only job here is to clarify, activate and disseminate the gifts within…it is your obligation to humanity.” Obligation indeed.

The Stellar Universe, book 4: deep roots
Dear Reader,
“However far a stream flows, it doesn’t forget its origin.”
– African proverb
Lovianhail! This book has been a long time coming. Seven years long. I had not intended it to take this long to release this work, but it is what it is. I’m grateful for every moment, day, month, and year it took for me to process all the things I’ve learned on this part of my journey.
It has been complicated. There was, of course, the global pandemic that impacted all our lives and livelihoods. Several of these years I walked my father through to the ancestor portal, all while being in Spiritual Practitioner training. My only daughter graduated from high school and entered college. And more. Much, much more. It wasn’t until I was alone, alone with my big feelings that I felt ready to focus on completing this work and releasing it to you.
I’ve lost and gained so much to get here, to this day, that you get to read these words. As with my other Stellar Series offerings, the story came to me as stills and glimmers of lingering ideas that often-looked like dream sequences. It took some time to decipher everything that came through. I had no idea how most of it would come to be this story.
And yet, it did.