Rule Yourself. Part 2


I have been having a day. Not a bad day, per say. It hasn’t been blissful either. This “day” has lasted for the better part of a week. AND, it looks like, this “day” I’ve been having, will last for several more days and maybe even weeks come tomorrow night. You know what this means don’t you? *nods* Change is brewing. Again.


Admittedly, I am one who tends to know that change is coming and kindof hold off on accepting that change is coming until I get smacked dead in the face by change and then MUST do what I must because I really don’t have much of a choice. I’m sure if you took a bit of inventory of your own life, you’d agree that you do the exact same thing. So don’t judge me.


With that said, this time, I’m venturing out of character a bit to do something utterly different. I’m thinking about making the change before the change makes me. The only problem with this modus operandi is that I’m not fully aware of what exact change NEEDS to be made. I have an idea, but I’m not rock solid about it and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about it either. *puts head in hands, sulks*.


I bring this up because what I’m experiencing is not at all different from what is going on in our country and most specifically, politics of late. You can literally smell it in the air. Change is brewing. Nope. It’s not the change Obama campaigned on prior to 2008. It’s us. There is no politician currently seated in government in any capacity right now that has the entire package in their pants about what we want and what is actually needed to get us where we want and need to go. To some folk in office, yes, my previous statement is a total slight. To others, it’s only a partial slight.


I’ve read articles where some Republican politicos have decided (again) that women’s rights are basically bullshit. And so now, they use the law to put women in jail for doing such vile things like, oh, I dunno know–have a miscarriage. Yes, a woman who has a miscarriage in at least one state is now a criminal. I make this stuff up NOT.


Some states have completely defunded Planned Parenthood. Why? Because they can. And because politicians decided to.


We keep hearing the bickering back and forth between Repubs and Dems about this debt ceiling. I’m literally so sick of hearing about it, I won’t even bother here. As long as Dems insist on taxing the richest 1% of our population and the TRILLION DOLLAR corporations they run…Lord, God. I’m beginning to need a Valium.


I’ve been reading articles and watching video of Elizabeth Warren and her efforts. A light keeps going off in my head. The middle class in our country is being pillaged. Instead of a three “class” social structure in this country it will be two. Really, really, really rich people. And then, the rest of us– Constantly struggling to live and “they” running us (our lives, minds and spirits) like indentured servant chess pieces. “They” versus “Us”. The whole deal stenches of The Tudors. Why do we want to go back to England ala the 1500’s again?


At some point, we are going to have to un-invest ourselves from the notion that there is one person or any combination of several people in our current government who can drive the bus we’re on. At the end of the very long day my friends, we–that’s right—all of US– are the driver AND the map. Our voices, our vision, our ideas are what maps out and drives the future of this country. No amount of wing-tipped shoed, same haircut, same skin complexioned, same uber religious bullshit, anti-women, anti-sexuality, anti-human being, anti-humanity, completely and utterly out of touch with actual reality POLITICIAN has it right. In fact, politics has been wrong for a very, very, very long time.


At some point, the game is going to change. The question is, are WE going to stand up for ourselves and change it? Or are we going to sit on our laurels until the roof caves in and then dizzily attempt to pick up the pieces of our then fully broken lives and dreams? At some point, all of the hogwash we hold on to–the religious whatever that is, the classism, racism, sexism, and anti-gayism are going to HAVE to give way to humanity-ism. WE are going to have to BE pro-US. Pro-people. Pro-human beings. Pro-LIFE. Not in the respect that we shun people who decide not to have a kid they don’t want. But Pro-LIFE for all the beings who already made their way to this planet and are living and breathing here and aren’t serial killers or pedophiles (or Rick Ross).


*Author’s Note: I have a thing about serial killers, pedophiles (and Rick Ross). I simply don’t like them. I want them to go away permanently. I don’t much like stupid people either. They’re harder to work with, but at least having only 3 three usable brain cells is better than having a ton that one uses to become the subject matter of a neurotic TV show starring Shemar Moore (or completely the biggest, most mucus filled fraud in the hip hop “game”). I digress.*


Are we going to let our anger about what is happening fill up our nostrils until WE explode? Or are we ready now to educate ourselves about what is really happening? AND instead of being angry monsters ourselves, step up as valiantly conscious beings who rule our own domain?


Change is brewing my friends. It has been for a long time. It’s coming. I know it like I know that I have about a million lines in each palm of each of my hands. The lines, I’m told, signify the many twists and turns my life has taken and will continue to take until I draw my last breath on this Earth plane. They signify to me that I still  have loads of work to do. If this is the case, I can only speculate that you do too.


I submit to you that waiting for change to smack you in the face is far more painful than being proactive. Start making changes in yourself. Start taking inner inventory. Start facing yourself. Turn off the TV, the computer and the video game for a few hours and start being a bit more reflective. Wake up. Once we all do, I presume we’ll have a much better understanding of what we MUST do both individually and as the collective to relieve these pesky politicians of their duties and drive our own bus to where we’re going. It’s ours anyway. We only lent it to them. Now, since they’ve clearly been driving drunk AND high AND stupid for yeeeeeeeeeeears, it’s only fitting that we take our dang bus back. And revoke their license. Drunk, high, stupid people shouldn’t drive anyway. Try following them on the Turnpike. Disaster.


The moral of this story? How should I know? Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and Abundant “change is coming, you may as well wake the ffffff up and rule yourself” Blessings. Love, -e-