Happy Spring. CLEAN

Happy Friday! This happens to be the 3rd Friday of March and so that means it’s time to chat cash. It also happens to be the second day of spring and so it’s time to talk spring cleaning. The two go, I promise.  Speaking of CLEAN. If you spend any amount of time anywhere near any of my social media happenings, you know that today is the last day of the first phase of a CLEANse I’m up to, by way of my version of Dr. Alejandro Junger’s CLEAN program. I had me a ball concocting all these McGyver style recipes off the top with ingredients I had on hand. Yes, I did this for a reason. The recipes I came up with have been so flavorful and interesting, I’ve decided to put together a 3 phase, 3 month really deep cleanse for those who are into gorgeous healthfulness. I’m always my own Guinea pig, so if I’m putting together the freshness, you know I’m doing it first, right? K. I’ll keep you posted. Until then, if you’re looking for a taste of gorgeous, sexy, healthful eating, you should check out Chef Mike Scipione and my very healthy and very sexy app “The Big Sexy”. It’s avail on iTunes!  

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Okay. So last month around this time,  we talked a bit about our ‘Great American Love Story’–with money. We discovered that a lot of us are suffering through fairly dysfunctional relationships with our money. Which sucks. And we noticed that those of us with dysfunctional financial relationships were more likely to have dysfunctional people relationships also. Because, well, relationships. Coinkydink? I think not. No worries, my hand is raised too boo.

Because I also know that we have to face a thing to fix it, I’ve decided to do a few things I’ve never even thought to do before:

1. Forgive. Everything.
2. Have healthy, open and honest dialogues about money, sometimes with complete strangers.
3. Get really real with myself about my own relationship with money, stay present with what is, and then stay positive about it (no account cussing!).
4. Check in with my bank accounts every day, without judgement, to establish a sense of oneness.
5. Budget. I mean, “money management”.

Sounds like the formula for a successful people relationship don’t it? The thing I’ve been faced with the most on this journey is the power of our lens. WE can only view the world through the same lens WE see ourselves. And from there, WE begin to see the correlations between our experiences. We’re taught to deal with symptoms of problems, rather than to heal the roots of what’s happening in our lives. It’s when we figure out that everything is connected, that healing can happen. It is not uncommon to find that an issue in one area of our lives, parallels another (or all of them).

I will say upleveling my relationship with money has been a challenge, but like anything else, it’s a practice. Practice, makes permanent. Yes? And while I CLEAN my insides, I find that I have much more clarity with my finances AND my interpersonal relationships.

The other cool thing is that Spring and CLEAN remind me to make room, so I can do more with what I have. As Bashar is known to say, when you can do more with less, imagine what you can do with more. I found the coolest saying a few weeks back: “You never know what you have, until you clean your room.” Just make “room” a “______” and there you go.



No respectable conversation about money can happen without resources. So we’ll add such things to this conversation.  I absolutely love Marianne Williamson’s The Law of Divine Compensation. I’ve read it thrice. This is a work where money relationships and forgiveness intersect. Since we’re talking about Spring cleaning, if you have no idea where to start, here you go! It’s also a brilliant and inspirational work for those you may know who are looking for work.  Check it out and drop me a line to let me know what you think.


So. That’s what I learned this week. I do hope it helped something. Plus, I love the message of spring. CLEAN (and get ready to plant seeds).Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!

Osho Lovianhal friends,


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