Of course I have been keeping myself abreast of all the debates happening over the racial what-nots and goings on over the course of the last month. Michael Jackson, Valley Swim Club, Dr. Gates, etc. My last post talked of my being miffed by the circumstances. This post is actually about the compounding denials of racism, the pulling of the “race card” and yes, the conundrum of being called a racist.
Why is it that pinker people seem to think that browner people don’t have any concept of what racism looks like in this country and better, what it looks like around the world?
Brown people of just about every hue have been defending themselves against racism, classism, neo-classicism, imperialism, and just about every other ism that has propelled coloreds into second and third class citizenship for eons. Despite protests, no matter what words may be said and no matter what strides with regard to racial progress has been made–history CANNOT be denied. Hello. Welcome to reality. Racism exists. The simple fact that racism exists, by default means what class? That racists exist and they all don’t live in middle America or wave a confederate flag in front of their houses. Sorry.
I know being “branded” a racist is sort of a bad thing, particularly when the media gets a hold of it, and one’s good name is at stake, but please folks, denial of a racist claim is just so irking to me. It’s like saying, “I know I may look overweight, but it’s not true. I did gain 100 pounds last year, but that’s only because my bones got bigger.” That sounds just as silly as racist people who exclaim left, right and around that they’re not racist. Stop that. It’s annoying. Be who you are. Own it. Jeez.
Sure, you may not THINK you are a racist. Sure, the sins of one’s father and forefathers and mothers should not be lain upon new generations blanketly. I get that. But just because your family is not now allowed to own slaves in 2009, doesn’t actually negate the fact that your ancestors probably did. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily, but if racism is genetic, it’s probably in your genes or something.
Just because you may be THINKING “nigger”, “wet back”, “spick” or what ever when somebody brown walks by (checking your wallet or purse, mind you), and it doesn’t actually come out of your actual face, doesn’t mean you don’t harbor racist or superior racial feelings in some form or another. Does that make you a racist? By golly yes! Albeit, a polite one.
My point is, whether you think you’re racist or not is kindof irrelevant. Most people don’t want to believe the worst of themselves anyway. To claim one is racist out loud, until it becomes popular again, is, well…not considered cool. Although racial slurs and jokes amongst friends kindof is–depending on the company.
The fact that racial superiority has been so prevalent for so long, it has become as mental common place as polio vaccines. The only problem is, racism does not yet have it’s own vaccine. But denying it exists in you is probably just as dangerous and probably just as debilitating as polio once was.
Logic must prevail at some point. Yes, I’m writing from the perspective of an educated Black woman. I know a lot of historical references that make my stomach heave when I revisit them or see a long forgotten documentary. The fact that brown people are far less respected in mass society is not an accident nor is it simply because of language or culture.
There is a framework in play that was born many, many, many, many years prior to most of our births and it is a literal blueprint for our thinking about ourselves and each other.
This country specifically was founded on the racial superiority by whites who founded it. This country and many other countries around the world prospered early on by exploiting millions upon millions of brown people violently to maintain that prosperity. Do we really think that passing a few laws, integrating public places and being able to look white folk in the eye as we pass them on the street over the course of the last 40 or 50 years brings a triumphant halt to a way of thinking that thrived for hundreds, if not thousands of years?
The fact that you may have one or two brown neighbors or may have hired a colored or two in your lifetime, does not negate a fundamentally racist nature that has been rampant so long it’s almost a way of life.
Race is the elephant in the room no one really wants to deal with head on, I suspect, for fear that our truest beliefs will make headway and the actual truth of our actual nature will rear its ugly head. And make us look bad to our more sympathetic friends. Or not.
Sure, no body wants to be thought of as a racist. I suspect that a lot of white folk actually aren’t. However, I also suspect that there are a lot more whites who actually are in a state of denial that won’t be overcome until they can admit out loud that racism doesn’t go away just by saying it should and it certainly doesn’t disappear from our consciousness just by saying out loud, “I’m not racist!!!”
To me, and this is just my opinion here, if YOU have to say it, it’s probably YOU who needs the most convincing.
The moral to this story. I can’t call it. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. I salute the divinity in you. Particularly if you haven’t yet come to terms with your truth. Be that as it may, peace and abundant racial blessings! -e-
P.S. I’m so over Bill O’Reilly saying that someone accusing some racist of being racist is unAMERICAN. Give is a rest please. Thanks.