Moving On

Welcome to the new year. Wow. The first few weeks of 2010 have been interesting, haven’t they? No worries. By January 15, everything will seem a lot less dramatic. Folk is just adjusting, that’s all. It really doesn’t benefit anyone for me to get tooooo deep about this in this particular post, however, please note: that boot you’re feeling on your neck, has only a few more days to linger. You’ll be fine.


Moving On. Easier said than done isn’t it? The moving part seems kindof easy. It’s the “on” part that’s tricky–as in “on target” or “on the mark” or “on to the next”, etc. It’s one thing to decide to do something that is necessary for our growth and development,right? It’s something else entirely to actually do something about it and actually be moving in the best possible direction.


If you believe the hype, since we’re in 2010, in roughly 2 years, the entire world will crumble into itty bitty pieces and the survivors will be left to pick up all the pieces in an attempt to rebuild what’s left. Or, you may prescribe to the belief that 2010–the beginning of a new decade–is actually year one toward a mass spiritual awakening. Some people say end times are approaching. Some people say, the truth is making way to the light. Some people are just talking a lot and not really saying much. I personally don’t have a clear opinion on the topic. I do NOT believe the world will end in fire and brimstone. I do believe that things in this world are evolving and that evolution has already begun. I also believe whole heartedly that change, just like with birth, can be very painful for some people.


I see evidence of this when I look at major corporations floundering and powerful people meeting their fall. I see the evidence when I look at our country specifically and in general and how the old powers that be are starting to look really stupid, as they hold on tightly to their antiquated points of view. I see how easy it is now for transgressions of any kind to be made national news. I see how slowly, but surely, the veil of mystery that was once shrouded around money and power is lifting a little more every day and how people of all walks of life are beginning to see things as they actually are–if they so choose.


The basis for most of my posts here have been about how we as individuals can live our best lives. How we can make the most of what we are given individually and to see ourselves as beacons of what is actually possible. My goal has always been to share my life experiences and try to relate them to human experience as a whole.


Considering that we’re only in week two of the new decade and this new year already feels slow as hell, I figure, a bit of spiritual pontification is probably due now– prior to when things start to really get popping and moving in the direction of our pleading. Yeah, well.


I’ve been exposed to several situations already, both personally and of close friends where the past has cropped up and made our lives collectively interesting. From personal experience, I’ve had to make peace with relationships that have been strained for years. I’ve been forced to see things, not as I would want them to be, but exactly as they are. At least one of those relationships has evolved into something that better suits our situation. Another has literally gone to pot. I’ve reconnected with several really old friends and decided to let go of a relationship I thought to be a close one.


Several of my closest friends have been through similar things. One of my good girlfriends just went through an experience where she decided to move out of the country. She would be leaving her two sisters here in the states. Her one sister is a menace to society in her twenties and her other sister is a brilliant menace in her early teens. The teen aged sister, just yesterday, called child services on HERSELF to put HERSELF in “the system”. Go figure. There was no abuse. There really wasn’t any reason for her to do this except that her mother is a drug addict in California (the teenager is in PA) and the elder of the sisters (my friend) is moving and the teen doesn’t want to go. Strange but true. Of course, this set my friend on a very weird emotional spiral that she wasn’t sure she was capable of handling.


Which brings me to the point of this post. I know I’ve said this before, but it’s important that I say it again in the context of “moving on”. Every moment, every situation, every person is perfect. People always do what they are designed to do. Always. If you subscribe to the thought process that we chose to be here and thus chose the circumstances we would be born into–our birth parents, which leads to our environment, which leads to the friends we choose, the schools we go to, the life path we’re on–all of these things in our lives now are of our choosing. None of the experiences in our lives are an accident. We chose them subconsciously, if only to teach us something invaluable that we need to evolve and take us to the next part of our journey.


When a 15 year old puts herself in child services, no matter how odd it seems, she’s doing so because something higher in her is directing her to do so. It may not make sense now, but we can only hope it will at another time. We can only conclude that it’s her own way of moving on in reaction to her older sister’s way. I can’t even comment on what’s going on with the middle sister. That’s a whole other post, quite frankly.


This past weekend for me was met with some familial insight. I sat around a table and looked in the faces of people who were supposed to know me better than most and realized that they actually knew me less than those of you who have never met me in person. This caught me off guard, at first. To be honest, I was overwhelmed. Saddened. Stifled. Even, a little disgusted. But then, I was able to see the perfection in the situation. People always do what they’re designed to do. People can only see what their limitations will allow. I learned a huge lesson about perceptions and how they effect and affect people. Not just strangers, but the people supposedly closest to you. I learned also a lot about myself and how stepping into my destiny with both feet makes people who may not be ready or equipped spiritually to do the same thing can feel threatened and not even be aware of it or know why.


Making a commitment to yourself to move on from the place you’re standing or were standing doesn’t just effect you. It effects everyone around you, particularly if they don’t understand what you’re up to. Change can be a powerfully painful feat to accomplish. It seems like it’s already hard enough to take steps to make your life what it’s designed to be. But add to that the intricate web of the people around you who look to you to keep everything cute, country and comfortable for them. Meanwhile, everything you’re about is big, bold, and unorthodox. Holy crap! It’s like a tidal wave coming and everybody is afraid of drowning!


The best advice I can give if you’re going through similar circumstances is to arm yourself with a spiritual life jacket and step out into the impending wave anyway. What you’ll find is that what’s approaching is NOT actually a tidal wave. What it is actually is a wave with the power and momentum to take you where you’re designed to go. The people around you may protest. “Don’t go in there!” “It’s dangerous!” “You’ll drown!”


What they’re actually saying to you is “I couldn’t do what you’re doing.” “I don’t understand why you can’t stay here on the sand with us.” and “I’m afraid that what you’re attempting to do will make me look bad somehow, because I wouldn’t do the same thing.”


Trailblazers are an odd bunch. We dance to our own drum. We hear music that no one else can hear. We have convictions that a lot of folk just can’t wrap their brains around. We see things that aren’t yet visible to the masses. We do things that seem to make no kind of common sense. And yet we are, because we must be. We see our share of success and failure. However, what we deem as success is so much different than what somebody else would see for themselves. We’re slow to give up what’s written on our hearts. We keep trying, even when our efforts seem futile to those around us.


Whenever I feel like throwing my hands to the sky and say–“you know what? Maybe they’re all right about me.” I think about people like Thomas Edison and Lewis Latimer who after 10,000 tries to create a bulb that lit from within, finally met with success. 10,000 tries. Can you imagine being so sure of something that you kept trying after 9,999 failures? Especially when the world around you thought you were crazier than a loon? Plus, look how the lightbulb has literally lit up and changed the WORLD–a loon turned hero at 10,000 tries.


I’m no light bulb inventor, but I do have a plan and a clear understanding of who I am and what I’m designed to do. Certainly, I’ve met with opposition of my understanding before. Certainly, I’ve gone on when everyone around me told me I was crazy or selfish or spinning my wheels. Certainly, I’ve walked 2 miles, uphill, barefoot in the bitter cold and snow with no shoes on–both ways– to gain an experience I needed for my journey. Certainly, I did so with all the crap from the crowd around me, only to hear the cheers from that same crowd when I made it to where I was going.


Certainly, if you find yourself in the same position, I am positive, if you really believe in what you’re after, certainly, you can do the same. If your heart is telling you it’s time to move on–please do. Ignore the crowd, the tidal wave, and the cries of fear around you. Don’t let other folks discomfort about your choices keep you from your destiny. It doesn’t matter one bit how much money you’re bringing in, or other folks view of what success or failure is. All that matters is that you have your own view and that you hold your own blueprint of the life you want to build for yourself. The people who protest are only there to test your resolve, to make your desire even more clear and maybe even add a well needed fire to your feet to get it done already!


Of course, you are not here to prove anything to anyone. However, true trailblazers, make their lives an example. Sometimes people just need to see what’s actually possible, led by the example of somebody who made it happen anyway. You don’t have to argue with those who don’t believe. Just do it and let your victory beyond the odds be your proof–and theirs.


The moral of this story? I can’t call it. Just some food for thought. Thank you for reading this though. Peace and abundant “keep on, moving on blessings in 2010.” love, -e-