The Bubble (An Ode to MLK)

The Bubble

(An Ode to MLK)


Whilest I was sleeping last night

A gigantic bubble came and got me.

It was so large

it could barely fit in my room.

But it did

without squeezing

it did

and fit me in it.

It was like an airplane

with no motor

no noxious fumes

killing the air

it was just a bubble.

I wasn’t a lone in my bubble though

there were folks of every age


creed and stripe.


We didn’t know each other, per say

but we knew


we were connected somehow

that our fates

divined a much bigger fate.


The bubble had no pilot

well, not one that we could see.

We took off from my room

and started traveling.


It was so cool to see out in the world from every angle


up high


we traveled

when we looked below

we saw now.


We saw all the ugly.

the hate

the greed

the weight of so many people’s anger

on the Earth as a whole

we saw the noxious fumes from the people

their vile energy

killing everything

sometimes slowly




the anger caused greater damage than any hurricane

and tsunami

and flood

or any Earthquake



The angry people feared the natural disasters

but couldn’t see

how they caused them

couldn’t see themselves as they are

they just couldn’t see



But we could see

miles high in our bubble

we could see it clear as day

how the food was killing them

how the people ate it cause it was there

and they ate, drank and slathered on the poisons

created by man

by corporate greed

by ugly people

who put profits before

the men and women who eat, drink and slather it.


WE saw it all.

from our bubble.

We saw the neighborhoods

where the anger was so bad

people died daily

over the silliest things.

We saw the preachers and leaders

robbing the poorest of the poor people

of their own thoughts

with their words and deeds


We saw people stealing from





We saw all the drama and pain all these people lived in.

They did it to themselves


they couldn’t see it.

They felt themselves



than the we.

Those of us in the bubble

they couldn’t see.


We saw it all

the dirtiest things

we saw it all

from our bubble.


As we flew more around the world

we saw AIDS as it spread through the ignorant

and vindictive

and how it started through the insolent

and contradicting

and how prophylactics

are useless on people

who don’t use them.


We saw it all

every complicated detail

up there in our bubble.


We saw the ravages of war.

How people were used as pawns

for corruption

and ego


and greed

for the few people

who thirst for power

and who take it by any means.


The saddest thing we saw


how we treat and raise our kids.

How we see them as less than us

raise them not

like they’re destined to be the best of us

but more like

the perpetuation of

the worst of us.

Our ugliness

must be manifested through them

some say

out loud as they curse


own blood

their own babies.

As the burn them

abuse them

kill them

how they leave them

disrespect them

by disrespecting the mothers

they came in

These men

and women

who lost themselves

walking around the world

as a shell

no vision

no soul

just anger


and yes, greed.


We saw it all

up there in our bubble

we saw everything we needed to see…


Man against man

Woman against woman

Man against woman

Woman against man

Nation against nation

skin against skin

religion against religion

The Greed against them all.


Then we traveled past this world

through it

to a world within this one

an alternative universe



All the ugly

we had just seen

melted away

could not

would not



where I was

where we


where we finally



Our sanctuary

the place to heal old wounds

the place where love lives

lingers among souls

through us

a new way became

through us

manifested change

it was no door we walked through

we needed only to close our eyes to get to it

we needed only

to make space for it

make room in our lives

for our bubble to come

and through our collective efforts

it came and got us

and we took it here

to show us what’s possible

when we

let go of our fear.


We saw first hand

what joy looks like lingering in the sky

to be alive

and feel it

we saw it

and was led to it.

this place

knows no suffering

no pain

it knows no hate

no anger

no ignorance

Men and Women

know their truest nature

as equals

no ego

Families stay together here

there are no loveless marriages here

babies are conceived in love

and raised up awesome

in health, wealth and well being

to one day conceive, birth and raise

new generations of awesome people

to continue on the elevation

and evolution of

the human race.

There are no quarrels over color

race, creed or religion.

we live by and learn from the one true religion

the religion

of love.


We exist by the code of truth.

We don’t worship

we celebrate our highest selves

and the God that lives in each of us

through all of her creations.


As we floated above this gorgeous, healthy

disease free new land

in our bubble

seeing all its colors


we noticed

that all the greed from the other world

became finally


in fact, there were no class systems

in the world I saw

everyone had plenty.

Fresh food,

clean water

nice clothes

nice homes

everyone made a living doing things they love

things that lit their fire

life for every single body

was about being happy, thriving

not scraping and surviving.

Life was about love.


giving it.

showing it.

talking about it

growing it

raising it

contemplating it

being it.

conceiving it.


It was all love.


When our eyes and minds were as full as

they could be

with the love we saw

and the possibilities


the bubble


and we traveled again.

it dropped each of us off

to our beds

as though we never left


back to this cold world

of disarray

to stay.


When I woke up the next day


I remembered everything

as though I was there

first hand

I recounted

every encounter.


the only thing I couldn’t place

were the other faces

in that bubble with me.



I remembered the freedom

I felt

and the love.


Even though

the bubble didn’t say a thing

I knew it’s message

to me

to us


more than just about possibility.


It was about clarity

and vision.

It’s hard to see the effects

and affects


the ugliness we live in

while we’re in it.

sometimes we have to float above it

to see what it looks like whole

as it ravages individuals collectively.


It’s all about perspective


the urgency


change it.


Whilest I was sleeping last night

A gigantic bubble came and got me.

It was so large

it could barely fit in my room.

But it did

without squeezing

it did

and fit me in it.

It was like an airplane

with no motor

no noxious fumes

killing the air

it was just a bubble.

I wasn’t a lone in my bubble though

there were folks of every age


creed and stripe.

We didn’t know each other, per say

but we knew


we were connected somehow

that our fates

divined a much bigger fate.

The bubble had no pilot

well, not one that we could see.

We took off from my room

and started traveling.


That was my dream.

in it’s entirety.

I didn’t have to die

to get where I went

last night

I simply had to close my eyes.

Then maybe,

wake up and


I also realized

the reason why folk

like to pick at

and try to




is because they don’t


they have one

of their

