Be Impeccable With Your Word. When you get a chance…


Memorize this. K.


Happy Friday! Hellooooo! Welcome to another winning week of awesome. Yay!

*Faints* Again.

I was first introduced to The Four Agreements more than several years ago. If you happen to not have heard of it, it’s written by Don Miguel Ruiz and it’s awesome. I totally recommend it.  I can’t remember how I found it, or who introduced me to this series of awesome, but I’ll tell you Toltec Wisdom is the bomb.


I was rather forced to revisit The Four Agreements this week because a mirror of my behavior was forced in my face. It happened over last weekend, actually. I had several events I overbooked myself for as it was,  so when I caught up with an old friend–which turned into an excursion I hadn’t planned properly for–my whole event schedule got suspect. By the time all was said and done, I had to be somewhere jazzy and I was OUT OF TOWN on the fly. To make a long story short, I ended up missing an event, I said I would attend not planning my life effectively. A black tie one. I felt awful. One would think to one’s self, welp Envy. These things happen right? You missed an event you said you would go to. So what. The sky isn’t falling.


Interestingly enough, while THEE actual sky wasn’t falling, my sky was. See, while this scheduling snafu was just a shard of ice, I was feeling so awful because something in my spirit was screaming this isn’t an isolated incident. Something in my spirit was telling me that I had fallen off my impeccable word wagon, and was dragging behind myself, unable to catch up to where I’m designed to be. Sort of like a shard of ice of an iceberg.


My issue is not being able to say ‘NO’ effectively. It’s not that I’m some Casper-milk-toast, it’s just that I honestly think I’m magic. Magic people can fit it all in. Even if they can’t. Magic people make unreasonable promises–even when it’s virtually impossible to make such fantasies happen. Magic people tell themselves tall tales and expect that whatever is conjured in the brain space is supposed to happen after it’s been said. Nothing is impossible, even if its just a tinge unrealistic. It’s an impressive tick, that is mad dope when it works out. And mad awkward when it doesn’t. The good news is that magic people believe everything they say will happen… it doesn’t start out as a way to be less that impeccable with our word… Ask Steve Jobs…


Anyway. I have been known to say that if I say I will do something, it will get done–even if it takes me forever to do it. Turns out though, forever is a long time. And our word, if not honored in a timely fashion, piles up to egregious levels. Honestly, it becomes unmanageable. This pile of my “almost” and “mostly” and “missed it” and “Just about” and “oops” words is what I found myself facing when I woke up Monday morning with a heavy heart, feeling sick to my stomach. My word had caught up to me. It wasn’t just that event I missed, it was a project here, an un-returned phone call there. It was a pile of little things we all take fore granted in our daily lives, not realizing how powerful our word is. Not realizing that every word we speak into the universe is a thing that can either sprout into something awesome or weigh down your whole life. Don’t believe me? Wait till your word catches up to you, some random Monday after you fail to be true to it. Again.


By no means am I saying that you exist to be perfect. I am saying that you find a way to be honest enough with yourself, that you don’t need to be. When we tell the truth to ourselves and each other, we no longer need to be impressive or even magic. We simply say what we’re working with and know that whatever we are already is enough. It’s so much easier to be impeccable with your word, when you start with the truth. “NO I’ve overbooked myself for this week, I can’t do whatever, but thank you for thinking of me!” “Yes, I can get that to you, but I can’t start working on your project until I finish what I’m working on. This is the projected date I can start.”


Telling the truth, in an empowered way, honors everyone involved. You’re not making promises, you’re making commitments. Your word becomes golden. You want your word to be as golden as your life. You only get to keep what you give away…


So here’s what I did. I sat in meditation and forgave a really long list of stuff that had piled up unassumingly. I itemized all of the things I had fallen short on. Then I went through and completed things on my list, crossing things off as I went. I still have plenty on my list to work through, but I’ll tell you, the more things I cross off the mighty lighter I feel.  Which is pretty darned impressive, yes?


So. That’s what I learned this week. I do hope it helps something. Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!

Osho Lovianhal friends,
