I Do.

I Do.

I ain’t no groupie chic

Nor am I a doobie trick

But I am a character in a scene of a

Stellar flick.

Top billing

Willing and able to do

What it takes

To be a box office smash.

The movie of your life.

No tickets will get sold of course

To this sold out performance

That includes only two—

You and me


Me and you

Your mama and your cousins too

Will not be invited

To the premier

But maybe to the encore


That includes two platinum turntable rings

And a mic

Hosted by an emcee with bad hair

Spinning the standard

Get the wedding party moving records.

Jumping the broom

Is the same from continent to continent

An old slave story

With new characters

Playing people

Who want to do the right thing

And end up doing

What they want

That most times ain’t right

Or wrong

“It just is”,

As their future marriage counselors will say.

Even the realest of real men

End up spitting this classic rhyme

Called: ‘I think I love my wife’.

Borrowing soundtracks of their bullshit

Life from hot chics

With glossy weaves and

Compelling collections

Of past dicks

They manipulated

And capitulated

And strangulated

For nothing more than

A penthouse and a dream.

Cream of the crop is who you marry

Carry over the threshold of your dreams and a plot

Of land

Make more babies than two busy souls have time for

Cause it seemed like such a good idea at the time.

The early wining and dining

And fondling and faking orgasms

Turns into

Whining and leftovers

And masturbating in the shower

To avoid hearing her fake orgasms.

You grow together and sleep in separate rooms together

You become a team of dual finances

To support all those college educations

Of all those babies you made that seemed like such a good idea at the time.

In the end, the dream is what it once was

Just no one told you what to expect

Once it wasn’t.

Life, love and marriage is an epic film

Produced by idealism

supported by divorce lawyers

Made possible by a grant from mama and them’s need for grandkids.



Knowing the future, I don’t need a crystal ball

To tell you

The beginning of the movie is always more enjoyable than the end

Cause the director never does it

Quite the way it could be.

Besides you can’t fit real life

In two hour increments

Of complete and utter torture.

But you can


Me and you in a room

And see what becomes of it.


I ain’t no groupie chic

Nor am I a doobie trick

But I am a character in a scene of a

Stellar flick

Top billing

Willing and able to do

What it takes

To be a box office smash.

The movie of your life.

No tickets will get sold of course

To this sold out performance

That includes only two—

You and me


Me and you

Your mama and your cousins too

Will not be invited

To the premier

But maybe to the encore


That includes two platinum turntable rings

And a mic

Hosted by an emcee with bad hair

Spinning the standard

Get the wedding party moving records.

But first,

you gots to say

I Do.
