A Prayer for Difficult People. You’re Welcome.



Happy Happy Happy Friday to you! To you! To you! Ole! Welcome to another winning week of awesome. You ready to get this weekend popping like corn-ey jokes? Hehehehe.


Difficult people are a pain in the Gaaaaaaaaah! aren’t they? OMG. They are are so flipping annoying, they just suck you dry and you want to scream, but screaming doesn’t do anything because they don’t care about anything but being annoying and it’s working! Gaaaaaaaaah! It’s like they just don’t see any amount of reason about anything, right?! Plus, the more you care, they more they work their irk magic on you. I promise, no matter how enlightened you may find yourself, difficult people make themselves available. Gaaaaaaaaaah!


I say all this because I have my own personal difficult person muse, of sorts. Oh, the paths to jail I have missed by mere strands of reserve… I sometimes think theeee most difficult people are actually master teachers in disguise. I mean, they keep that Mr. Miyagi game face on whilst they wax on and off your ever loving nerves. The only clincher is that they never reveal themselves as master teachers in disguise. They just stay annoying until one can find freedom before jail happens.


Wax off!


>It is for these people, particularly my own personal difficult person muse that I was compelled to craft this powerful prayer that works wonders. Not only for avoiding jail time, but in blessing those who obviously need it. IJS.


A Prayer for Difficult People

I am unbotherable! I bless _____________ where they are with compassion and love. I see them the way God sees them. I see them in their original form. I forgive them for everything and express my deep gratitude for their healing, wholeness and their return to love. It is divinely and harmoniously so. And so it is!


Hon-tee. Let me tell you how the above prayer has gotten me out of some stuff. It’s great for bosses, siblings, parents, road raging strangers in cars who can’t drive to save their lives, personal space hogging public transportation riders, people you are in line behind in Wal-Mart, etc. Wherever you will find difficult people, this prayer is a God send, so use it generously and with feeling!


Now for a bit of perspective. Every single one of us has been (or is presently) a difficult person to somebody. Yeah you. Take your time whilst that sinks in…


Right now there is somebody pacing their life trying to figure out how to bless you so they don’t have to go to jail. Oh, I know. You’re so perfect and nice, no one would think such things about you. But the truth is, somebody who worked with Mother Teresa on one of her HIV, poverty or leprosy missions thought she was a stone cold crazy blatch. Somebody rolled their eyes with disdain if TeTe said she wanted more spices in the soup they were serving in the soup kitchen. You already know. Somebody ridiculously difficult thought The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta was difficult.  AND in that somebody’s mind, a scene from Real Housewives of Atlanta was possible. *Cough*  I don’t know for sure, cause I wasn’t there, but when you have 7 billion people with an equal number of world views on this planet, even if you’re damn near a saint–somebody is bound to not agree. I don’t need to reach far for evidence of such things.


The trick here is that I’m beginning to discover that most drama between people is not actually a battle of “right” or “wrong”. It’s a battle between world views. As you evolve, you will see things differently. As you ask for perspective, you will get it. There will be people with similar perspectives or folk who are open to new ideas who you’ll get along with. There will be people who are rigidly opposed to any idea they don’t currently possess. I will also say, your free thinking self will seem very difficult to those people. Threateningly so. Are you doing it on purpose? No. You’re just trying to be your most authentic you. No matter. That shat is annoyingly irksome to somebody. So.


So rather than focus on things you have zero control over, I say bless everybody. People are going to think what they want about you anyway, might as well be as loud and as dope and as difficult to the process of sitting still and worrying about it as you can. Use The Prayer for Difficult People for anyone giving you a hard time. You’ll be getting a double dose of the good stuff anyway– the blessing you give is the blessing you receive in kind.  Keep giving up that good compassionate stuff because that’s what you’re here for. You’re welcome.


So. That’s what I learned this week. I do hope it helps something. Thank you for reading this (!!!) Remember always to #RuleYoSelf with L.O.V.E. Have a Happy Awesome Weekend! Love you madly!-e-